AliG you are too funny,
I like Beyonce but not too much to defend her per se, I just think one's bias can cloud the fact that she is successful for a number of different reasons including and excluding her beauty. It's just not fair the way people discredit and rip people on trivial points. When I hear of someone working their tale off and enjoying success, I have to give them credit. My personal opinion aside.
I got on my wife last night too, because she said she respected J. Lo for her accomplishments but didn't like her much. I simply said I'm glad you can give her credit but babe you don't even know this woman not to like her.
I am not an Entertainment tonight type person and could care less about celebs and their lives per se, I just want to enjoy their art, unless they are doing something else to help the world. I just want people to stop being negative and appreciate what a person brings to the table, nobody's perfect. I told my wife to stop hatin' too, and boy was she mad. But she knew she was hatin' (that's a fun concept, make me feel young and hip)
Beyonce and others are pop artists, I don't know in what context she doesn't fit that bill, what exactly is one expecting from her. When I see her advertised and her saying she is the voice of our generation, then I will have critism. I don't recall making those comments about Wade, no player can be the team. If I did say that directly then I retract my comments. Like this situation, I was saying give the man credit and not discount his achievements simply because of Shaq. His numbers are the same with and without Shaq and I was saying that he has that "it" to be able to get it down when most needed. The team is/was playing like crap mostly, even when Shaq was in the line up. They are mostly old and not hungry anymore and believe they can turn it on when needed. I watch almost every game and watch and read about them, that is the sentiment about this team. But I fully expect them to be there in the end competing for a championship.
Now Wade and Beyonce have enough accolades, that should speak for itself.
Now this is the album review section, so....

I found this one most enjoyable.
Wonderful vocals and players.
I've heard a little about this artist, finally picked up the CD and will be adding more of her stuff to my collection.[/img]