Electro Stimulation Ward > Signals and Noise

AudioArt Ic Cables


i Just bought three 1M pairs of AudioArt IC-3 cables to try out. the cables are made from twisted Oxygen free copper Coated with Silver and were designed for Audio Art by DH Labs. if i like them i will keep them and if not i will send them back for a refund.  thanks....WCW III   www.audioartcable.com

The IC-3's were sounding somewhat bright and forward with fairly weak bass at first. the manufacturer recommends 100 to 150 hours of use on them. they were sounding better each day and now with 100 + hours on them they are sounding really nice and to my ears are a very good value when weighing thier price Vs thier performance.thanks....WCW III

What cables did you compare them to?


--- Quote from: "mca" ---What cables did you compare them to?
--- End quote ---
My favorites,Andreas Groneberg's top shelf TS premium IC's.


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