Electro Stimulation Ward > Signals and Noise
Grover IC Comparison.....Digital Amp
Or....How I spent my Saturday night.... :lol:
Red Wine Audio Sig. 30 Integrated
EA Modded Sony 7700 player
Mirage M-3 speakers
Tara Labs Time and Space S.C.'s
Music : Joss Stone - "Mind, Body & Soul" Cd.....first four tracks. (Get out your Cd and listen along)
VH Audio Pulsar IC - $169.99 pair
Reality IC - $225.00 pair
Ridge Street Audio Midnight Silver Edition IC - $680.00 pair
Grover "S" IC - $150.00 pair
Notes :
VH Audio Pulsar IC......Laid back sounding...not as clear....less detail...low punch in bass...too smooth.
Reality IC......Full sounding....clear....details ok....bass ok.....some punch in bass....smooth.
Ridge Street Audio Midnight Silver Edition IC.....Full sounding.....clear focus.....better details than above two.....bass good...hearing the punch....balanced.
Grover IC.......Full sounding,slightly forward....very clear focus...very detailed, more than the others....bass good....good punch and snap.
What I want to hear when I listen....Bass (its the foundation)....Details in music....Image and Placement. Those are foremost.... :wink:
* I use the least amount of equipment to hear the differences between the IC's....*
Thank YOU (enfin!) now we're getting somewhere :D Are they run in? (the Grover's)
--- Quote from: "shep" ---Thank YOU (enfin!) now we're getting somewhere :D Are they run in? (the Grover's)
--- End quote ---
Their still breaking in....but some don't believe in break in.....so I'm just playing them about 3 - 4 hours a night.... :wink:
Thanks Chris, much appreciated Were the Grovers previously used before you got them or brand new?
--- Quote from: "Gordy" ---Thanks Chris, much appreciated Were the Grovers previously used before you got them or brand new?
--- End quote ---
As far as I know....brand new. By the way.....nice build quality. 8)
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