Author Topic: Grover Huffman IC Group Buy  (Read 80987 times)

Offline Carlman

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Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« on: March 27, 2007, 05:48:53 PM »
The long-awaited Grover Huffman Cable Group Buy is here!  Hope everyone jumps on this great deal on an already oustanding value in interconnect cables.  This group buy ends on April 20th.

This group buy will be a little different than the last so please read all details below:  

Please post any questions you have about this group buy here, in this thread.  Use the email address found below for ordering only.  Please do not send emails asking if you can be included in the GB.  If you are a member of this forum now, or become one, you can participate before April 20, 2007.

Below is the list of Grover's Interconnects (IC's) that are included in the group-buy and their regular price:
Length....................RCA.........XLR.........Digital RCA
2.5m, cables…........$210........$295........$135

6 – 12 Cables 25% discount off the above pricing
13 – 30 Cables 30% discount off the above pricing
31+ Cables 35% discount off the above pricing

Payment and Shipping:
Shipping is $5 per pair up to 2 pairs, $2 per pair thereafter... (e.g. $10 for 2 pairs, $12 for 3, $14 for 4, etc.)
All orders must be placed (by sending to and money sent by April 20, 2007. (Paypal payments go to

To calculate your total:
1. Multiply Quantity of cable pairs by the price
2. Subtract discount
3. Add Quantity of cable pairs times $5 = shipping cost to get subtotal
4. Add 3% for Paypal Fee to get total payment.

Copy and past the following into an email and submit your order to
Full Name:
Cable Type and Termination: RCA pair or Digital ….. XLR or Single Ended
Cost per each:
Subtotal before discount (quantity times list price):
Subtract Discount (Subtotal - 25%):
Add Shipping ($5/pair):
Add Paypal (add 3% after adding shipping):
Total Payment:

Note: Paypal is the preferred payment method.  Please copy and paste what you put in your email into the notes of the Paypal payment.  All payments must be received by April 21.  As an option, you can send your payment right now with a 25% discount assumption to I will refund any additional discounts when we finish the group buy.  You will need to email me at the end to remind me.

I will send 1 order to Grover for all orders. In the US, I will distribute and ship all cables to the people who ordered them.

Outside the US, the cords will be drop-shipped directly by Grover.

Once I have received all the cables from Grover, I will post an update and let everyone know that I'll be shipping them. Please be patient.


PS If you absolutely cannot pay with Paypal, send a money order with the current discount so that I receive it by April 21st.  Keep in mind that if the discount goes up, I won't be able to send you a refund for mailed payments.
I really enjoy listening to music.

Offline stereofool

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Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2007, 07:51:41 PM »
Email and Paypal, sent  :D !
Have you ever noticed.... Anyone going slower than you is an idiot...and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?


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Re: Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2007, 08:06:04 PM »
Quote from: "Carlman"
The long-awaited Grover Huffman Cable Group Buy is here!  Hope everyone jumps on this great deal on an already oustanding value in interconnect cables.  This group buy ends on April 20th.

This group buy will be a little different than the last so please read all details below:  

Please post any questions you have about this group buy here, in this thread.  Use the email address found below for ordering only.  Please do not send emails asking if you can be included in the GB.  If you are a member of this forum now, or become one, you can participate before April 20, 2007.

Below is the list of Grover's Interconnects (IC's) that are included in the group-buy and their regular price:
Length....................RCA.........XLR.........Digital RCA
2.5m, cables…........$210........$295........$135

6 – 12 Cables 25% discount off the above pricing
13 – 30 Cables 30% discount off the above pricing
31+ Cables 35% discount off the above pricing

Payment and Shipping:
Shipping is $5 per pair up to 2 pairs, $2 per pair thereafter... (e.g. $10 for 2 pairs, $12 for 3, $14 for 4, etc.)
All orders must be placed (by sending to and money sent by April 20, 2007. (Paypal payments go to

To calculate your total:
1. Multiply Quantity of cable pairs by the price
2. Subtract discount
3. Add Quantity of cable pairs times $5 = shipping cost to get subtotal
4. Add 3% for Paypal Fee to get total payment.

Copy and past the following into an email and submit your order to
Full Name:
Cable Type and Termination: RCA pair or Digital ….. XLR or Single Ended
Cost per each:
Subtotal before discount (quantity times list price):
Subtract Discount (Subtotal - 25%):
Add Shipping ($5/pair):
Add Paypal (add 3% after adding shipping):
Total Payment:

Note: Paypal is the preferred payment method.  Please copy and paste what you put in your email into the notes of the Paypal payment.  All payments must be received by April 21.  As an option, you can send your payment right now with a 25% discount assumption to I will refund any additional discounts when we finish the group buy.  You will need to email me at the end to remind me.

I will send 1 order to Grover for all orders. In the US, I will distribute and ship all cables to the people who ordered them.

Outside the US, the cords will be drop-shipped directly by Grover.

Once I have received all the cables from Grover, I will post an update and let everyone know that I'll be shipping them. Please be patient.


PS If you absolutely cannot pay with Paypal, send a money order with the current discount so that I receive it by April 21st.  Keep in mind that if the discount goes up, I won't be able to send you a refund for mailed payments.


you have great stamina(but I bet you hear that alot  :oops: )

But seriously...which version Grovers are these i.e. silver or the silver/copper mix?  And what about adding spk cables to the GB, as it will help to reach the 35% mark quicker.  :idea:



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Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2007, 10:19:52 PM »
Carl....Can you post a photo of the IC's.....thanks. :wink:


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Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2007, 03:29:22 AM »
Carl we should re-name you "above and beyond the call of duty"!
I will definately be a taker for a set of ic's but I would also like to know what version we're talking about. I believe the latest was u6?

Offline bpape

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Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 04:37:38 AM »
... and maybe a link to Grover's website?

I am serious... and don't call me Shirley

Offline richidoo

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Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2007, 04:58:38 AM »
As of last month, he didn't have a site. Supposedly waiting on a patent before he ramps up. He seems pretty popular on the web as it is right now! The genius underdog inventor with better and cheaper products than the establishment always has appeal.  

I too would love to have another website full of products to covet. Just what I need!


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Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2007, 05:37:43 AM »
Quote from: "richidoo"
The genius underdog inventor with better and cheaper products than the establishment always has appeal.

Right on..."fight the power"!! :twisted:

Offline Carlman

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Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2007, 08:11:14 AM »
I will invite Grover to respond the questions about the type of IC's and speaker cables... but I know he wanted to keep it simple for the group buy.. which I appreciated... so this GB is for IC's only.

As to photos... someone took one at the last gathering... Stereophool?  Was that you?  If you send the photo to me, I'll gladly post it.

I just lent my 2 loaner pairs to a local friend to try so, I can't take a photo now. :(  I should've done that... doh!  

I agree a website would be nice... But Rich is correct.. he's waiting on a patent to do a website... How those things are related, I have no idea.  But, it's nice to know one is coming regardless.

Thanks for the responses (and payments!) We're off to a good start.... already have 6 pair of cables. :)

I really enjoy listening to music.

Offline mdconnelly

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Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2007, 10:33:31 AM »
Carl, I'll definitely get in on this Grover group buy but I'd like to second the request for including his speaker cables as well if possible.   If not, I'll contact him separately on that.

P.S. Does anyone have any experience with his balanced ICs or digital IC?


Double Ugly

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Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2007, 06:27:02 PM »
Quote from: "mdconnelly"
P.S. Does anyone have any experience with his balanced ICs or digital IC?
I don't know about digital ICs, but unless I grossly misunderstood his response to my query about (read "request for") balanced ICs, he doesn't make 'em.   :(


PS - For those interested, I've been led to believe I will receive a pair of Grover's speaker cables sooner than later.  Assuming that's so, I will post of their arrival and later follow-up w/ my assessment of their performance vs. Anti-Cable, Reality and Sonoran Plateau speaker cables.

Offline richidoo

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Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2007, 07:19:07 PM »
Quote from: "Carlman"
I just lent my 2 loaner pairs to a local friend to try so, I can't take a photo now. :(  I should've done that... doh!

Photos of Carl's samples are coming soon from Henry. I will post them.

From my memory, they are simply made but look nice. Blackish techflex kind of exterior, but nicer quality than techflex. Looks like genuine silver RCA plugs with some polyolefin heat shrink tubing covering up everything else. They are 1/4" thick cables with connectors only as thick as RCA outer grip conductor plus a layer of thin heat shrink. Doesn't look fancy, but like your momma said, it's what's on the inside that counts!

I'm hoping to get 3 pairs and a digital.

Offline richidoo

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Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2007, 07:26:55 PM »
Quote from: "Double Ugly"
I don't know about digital ICs, but unless I grossly misunderstood his response to my query about (read "request for") balanced ICs, he doesn't make 'em.   :(

Interesting. XLR connector on single ended cables? Hmmm... Doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense to me.... Any equipment with a XLR connector is balanced input or output. Might be good to discover the real deal so no surprises.

I will search Steve Hoffman site tomorrow for a clue.

Double Ugly

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Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2007, 07:54:30 PM »
Quote from: "richidoo"
Quote from: "Double Ugly"
I don't know about digital ICs, but unless I grossly misunderstood his response to my query about (read "request for") balanced ICs, he doesn't make 'em.   :(

Interesting. XLR connector on single ended cables? Hmmm... Doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense to me.... Any equipment with a XLR connector is balanced input or output. Might be good to discover the real deal so no surprises.

I will search Steve Hoffman site tomorrow for a clue.
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I said nothing about putting XLR connectors on SE cables.  I asked about getting balanced cables instead of single-ended cables.

Am I missing or misunderstanding some sort of semantics thing?

Offline mdconnelly

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Grover Huffman IC Group Buy
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2007, 08:05:41 PM »
I guess I was assuming that his XLR terminated cables are balanced.   Now I'm a bit confused.... (but always willing to be enlightened ;-)
