Author Topic: Altmann Group Buy?  (Read 34179 times)


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Re: Altmann Group Buy?
« Reply #30 on: June 17, 2007, 07:19:56 PM »
For a 15% discount I would accelerate my plans to buy an Altmann. 5% just isn't a call to action.


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Re: Altmann Group Buy?
« Reply #31 on: June 20, 2007, 01:26:55 PM »
I have been following this potential group buy since inception and would like to make some comments:

1.  What is the advantage of a Group Buy to Charles?
     a.  Obtains payment (profit) for several units at one time.
     b.  He sells the units to people who frequent AudioNervosa and other Audio Boards.  The 15%        discount he provided is cheap advertisement for his products.
     c.  The 15% discount may result in some of us purchasing the units that would normally pass.  Therefore, Charles is not really losing full margin sales (at least not to all of us).

2.  What is the advantage to the group?
     a.  We obtain top notch audiophile quality products at 15% below the normal price. 

3.  What is the disadvantage of Charles shipping 5 to 10 units to seperate addresses?
     a.  Maybe I am missing something but he normally packages and ships individually.  Shipping a large shipment would be outside of his norm and could add to his time/expenses to ship.
     b.  I have not gone back to his website but am I wrong in presuming we would pay for shipping?

To me this looks like a potential win/win situation if Charles wants a large order.  He takes our order at a 15% discount and ships the orders to each individual in the group.  This way Rich or whomever is in charge of the group buy does not have to distribute the units when they arrive from Charles.  He would just be responsible for collecting the orders and sending the payment and addresses to Charles.

I apologize if I am off base with this message.



Offline richidoo

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Re: Altmann Group Buy?
« Reply #32 on: June 20, 2007, 02:37:29 PM »
No I think you're right about the shiping costs Ken. He was more concerned with shipping a large single package with insurance and duty. I have been too busy to think about it, so thought I would post and run, let some other views be expressed.

The normal individual full price includes shipping. A 15% discount price should be payment for goods/services normally rendered at full price. I will contact him again for clarification.


Offline richidoo

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Re: Altmann Group Buy?
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2007, 05:38:56 AM »
I contacted Charles again about the shipping. Since individual purchases include shipping, why not apply 15% discount and ship them individually?

He offers the 15% as a discount in lieu of packaging and shipping each unit individually, which necessitates all in one box, to be redistributed by us. He is not offering 15% discount on the units. They are in demand so why should he?

So if we want it shipped parcel post where no duty is paid, he will not guarantee delivery, risk of loss is ours. That is where the 15% discount is. He is willing to accept the loss of a single unit in post, but not 5+ units.

To fully protect the package from loss it must go FedEx where value is declared (for insurance) and consequent full payment of import duty. Dootie will more than likely will eat up all of the 15% discount gained from shipping the order in one package.

I understand Charles' position and support his decision. He has a hot product which is already fairly priced as evidenced by the strong demand, and 4 week waiting list. I am saddened that ignorance about the dynamics of foreign trade allows tariffs seem like a good idea. In this case and most all others it hurts both the American consumer and the foreign seller.

As far as I'm concerned, the Altmann group buy on AN is now defunct. I will still be purchasing the DAC and maybe the amp too, but I will buy them from him directly.

Thanks for everyone's contributions on this.

Offline Carlman

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Re: Altmann Group Buy?
« Reply #34 on: June 22, 2007, 07:43:40 AM »
No, thanks for YOUR work on this, Rich.  It's a relief to me because I want to hear Scott Nixon's new DAC for 2 months now.  I just hope my memory serves me well enough to compare.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2007, 08:09:51 AM by Carlman »
I really enjoy listening to music.


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Re: Altmann Group Buy?
« Reply #35 on: June 22, 2007, 12:00:00 PM »
Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this Rich, it is greatly appreciated!

Offline Woodsyi

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Re: Altmann Group Buy?
« Reply #36 on: June 22, 2007, 12:07:31 PM »
That's a bummer Rich.  I was hoping to see a 35 % discount.  Nice try though.  I am sure I can find a used unit next year when something else is hot.  I will just keep myself busy with vinyl until then.  :rofl:
I am a nut.

Offline stereofool

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Re: Altmann Group Buy?
« Reply #37 on: June 22, 2007, 02:38:27 PM »
I agree...

Thanks for trying Rich...actually this may be good news for me. I don't need to make any additions, for the time being. Whew...dodged that bullet  :roll:!
Have you ever noticed.... Anyone going slower than you is an idiot...and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?


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Re: Altmann Group Buy?
« Reply #38 on: June 22, 2007, 04:44:59 PM »

Thank you very much for trying to negoiate a good deal for us to purchase this DAC.  If Charles can sell them at full price I do not fault him for not being interested.  Waiting longer for me is not a bad deal as I have a lot of new toys to get familiar with before taking on a DAC.  The advantage to waiting is that the Euro may decrease in value versus the dollar making the price more attractive. 

Thanks Again,



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Re: Altmann Group Buy?
« Reply #39 on: June 23, 2007, 01:44:29 AM »
Thanks everyone for your efforts.... :beer:


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Re: Altmann Group Buy?
« Reply #40 on: June 24, 2007, 09:06:57 AM »
Bummer.  Thanks for the work though, Rich.

Offline richidoo

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Re: Altmann Group Buy?
« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2007, 07:12:19 AM »
I wrote to Charles this morning for option prices on the DAC. I intend to buy one anyway, maybe the amp too. Steve, you're not out of the woods yet. You will still have to listen to mine... ! hehe

Woodsyi, I was reading a lot of vinyl propaganda at the beach this week. I'm definitely head that way too. I think there is a lot of performance to be had for reasonable money there. Gonna start looking for a SL1200 in local pawn shops. That should be fun. Might pick up a handgun while I'm at it. hehe

My only issue with vinyl is the availability of program material. I love record stores, and I believe there is a lot of great material available. But you can't always buy the record you want, right now, at least not for $13.00 plus shipping. It is more of picking through what's available and finding good stuff. I want both, lucky finds and latest releases. (Don't we all?)

I do remember the heyday of Blue Note reissues before Lundvall took the label mainstream in 1982. I could buy almost any blue note release brand new pressing with corner cutout as promotional copy, for about $3 each at Looney Tunes records in Boston. The store is still going, but probably not selling Blue note releases for $3!

So a quality DAC like Altmann lets me listen into a CD very deeply, which you can normally only do with records or especially well recorded CDs.