Author Topic: Ps Audio Juicebar II  (Read 5779 times)

Offline Rocket

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Ps Audio Juicebar II
« on: October 24, 2009, 08:31:58 PM »
Hi Guys,

With the imminent departure of my new Ampzilla 2000 second edition monoblocks from Cullen Circuits I need to figure out how I will connect the amplifiers with the US style plugs that are fitted.  I did enquire about replacing the plugs with clipsal heavy duty ac terminated in aussie style plugs.  But by the time I have them professionally terminated by a qualified electrician (I don't want to perform this myself due to a lack of knowledge) it will work out to be quite expensive.

I did have a look at VH Audio as they offer an ac converter but included shipping costs to Western Australia it will work out to be about $80US for two plugs.

I've been having a look at the ps audio juicebar II and I have enquired with Walter from Underwood hifi about purchasing this product.  He can send the power strip to me including shipping for $160US and I thought that it will provide me with 8 US style outlets that I can use in the future to add better quality power cables (no I won't be spending $100's of dollars on better ones but will get better one's than I have at the moment).

Anyway I'm wondering if anyone can give me some feedback regarding this product?



Offline mdconnelly

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Re: Ps Audio Juicebar II
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2009, 10:58:47 AM »
After deciding to replace a dedicated power conditioner with Alan Maher products, I was in need of multiple outlets on my current dedicated 20a circuit that only has a single duplex.  As a stopgap measure, I picked up a Juicebar II and am feeding it with a Black Sand Silver Ref power cord. 

While I intended it as a temporary measure until I could add additional outlets on my dedicated circuit, I find it is an extradinary value for the price.  Each outlet is tied to a solid copper bussbar with absolutely no wires nor solder joints.  Even the IEC connector is integral to the bussbar.  It is a substantial product -- heavy and well-built.  If that's all you want or need, this seems like it fits the bill at a great price point.  There are certainly other, more extensive solutions, but it's working for me.

I got mine from for $120 and they cryo-treat it as well at no additional cost. 

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Re: Ps Audio Juicebar II
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2009, 11:24:00 AM »
Hey good to know thanks. The price is certainly right. Then plug in an Alan Maher filter and be done.

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