Systemic Development > Multiple Personality Disorders
IP video capture?
Hi All,
Is there a cheap device (<$500) which can take video input (composite or S), convert to digital, then stream it to my NAS over IP? (Then ideally stream it back as a video player? - bot not as important) Maybe some kind of Rocku, DLink or something like that? IP Based cameras exist, but I need to record from TiVo.
I have seen some DVD recorders with ethernet ports on the back, but either $1000 or network port is labeled "for future use."
I don't wanna delete all my programmed shows out of Tivo in order to make enough room on my 40GB drive to record about 30 hours of programming unattended. So I want to stream it to my NAS instead. ReadyNAS can store it, but what do I use for IP Based A>D?
It would be nice if I could "pause" shows scheduled to record in Tivo, or backup the Tivo programming. It has an ethernet port too, but useless.
Thanks for any ideas!
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