Author Topic: PI Audio Mongo Cable  (Read 10426 times)

Offline pursuitofnow

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PI Audio Mongo Cable
« on: September 07, 2019, 10:03:17 AM »
I recently received the latest Mongo power cable from Dave at PI Audio. It is outfitted with Furutech FI NCF(R) connectors. I'm using the cable from an Uberbuss to the wall. Anyone having experience with these connectors or rhodium in general knows the rollercoaster of break-in and the need of a lot of hours to reach optimal performance.

Dave let the cable cook for a couple of weeks and I now have over 300 hours on it and it has really developed, in a good way. This cable is amazing! It provides a foundation that is seemingly so much more solid than previous cable. Bass extension is very obvious, tight and well defined. Treble is also extended and has no harshness what so ever. The Mongo is very balanced and extended. It is also really quiet. I noticed an increase in soundstage both horizontal and vertical. 

The Mongo cable is a great match for the Uberbuss and is to be expected I guess. I haven't compared this latest Mongo cable to older ones but can say it excels at everything and I would recommend it, especially if you have any PI Audio products. Great cable, Dave!
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Re: PI Audio Mongo Cable
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2019, 01:14:51 PM »
Jim, thank you for the glowing review of Mongo.  He is happy and so am I   :thumb:

Rhodium is your bipolar cousin that you love when all is well and not so much when off meds.  Once it get "there" it can be revelatory, but it is a PITA waiting on it.

One of the things Mongo does best is "speed"... leading edges of transients that are immediate, explosive and somewhat unexpected from many cables.

Bass response is very much different from some others. "Tight" only tells half of the story.  Inner detail (pitch definition, 'air' and accurate release) is very, very good as you have found.

Your review was unexpected and greatly appreciated!

"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline Folsom

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Re: PI Audio Mongo Cable
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2019, 02:34:07 PM »
Picture? Sounds like a happy customer.

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Re: PI Audio Mongo Cable
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2019, 04:49:58 PM »
Here is a picture of the original Mongo with 20A Furutech connectors. ~ 9ga. with an external ground wire.  Jim's is built on an organic core with a Furutech FI-50NCF Edison plug and FI-52NCF 20A IEC connector. 1.5m length.  I should have taken a good picture of it before it left here, but ....   :roll:

Perhaps the owner can post a picture...
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline pursuitofnow

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Re: PI Audio Mongo Cable
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2019, 08:01:13 PM »

One of the things Mongo does best is "speed"... leading edges of transients that are immediate, explosive and somewhat unexpected from many cables.

Bass response is very much different from some others. "Tight" only tells half of the story.  Inner detail (pitch definition, 'air' and accurate release) is very, very good as you have found.

Absolutely! Leading edges are immediate and explosive. As you mention, there is so much inner detail with this cable. And it is still getting better by the day.

Unfortunately I don't think I'll be posting a photo because the way it is routed with all my gear doesn't leave much to be photographed and I don't like unsettling power cable unless completely necessary. However I have the same cable to power my Digibuss off of the Uberbuss and it is pictured below. I think it looks great!
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PI Audio Uberbuss, Digibuss, Mongo

Offline P.I.

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Re: PI Audio Mongo Cable
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2019, 08:40:33 PM »

One of the things Mongo does best is "speed"... leading edges of transients that are immediate, explosive and somewhat unexpected from many cables.

Bass response is very much different from some others. "Tight" only tells half of the story.  Inner detail (pitch definition, 'air' and accurate release) is very, very good as you have found.

Absolutely! Leading edges are immediate and explosive. As you mention, there is so much inner detail with this cable. And it is still getting better by the day.

Unfortunately I don't think I'll be posting a photo because the way it is routed with all my gear doesn't leave much to be photographed and I don't like unsettling power cable unless completely necessary. However I have the same cable to power my Digibuss off of the Uberbuss and it is pictured below. I think it looks great!
Thank you, Sir!
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline rollo

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Re: PI Audio Mongo Cable
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2019, 06:30:18 AM »
  Well done Buss Man. Is the only difference between original and new the plugs ?? Graphene ?? Curious minds need to know.

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Re: PI Audio Mongo Cable
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2019, 12:21:16 PM »
  Well done Buss Man. Is the only difference between original and new the plugs ?? Graphene ?? Curious minds need to know.


There are several differences, part of those being the NCF plugs.  Graphene?  Yes. and... and... and...  Never stop innovating >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :thumb:
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Offline rollo

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Re: PI Audio Mongo Cable
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2019, 11:01:29 AM »
  OK then I insert the Mongo and play the Bongo.

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Re: PI Audio Mongo Cable
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2019, 04:06:41 PM »
  OK then I insert the Mongo and play the Bongo.

:beer:   :rofl:
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline dflee

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Re: PI Audio Mongo Cable
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2020, 09:43:54 AM »
This post has been a long time coming and for that I do apologize to a certain Dave Elledge.
I got an amp that I was hoping would get me back to the sound I previously had. I got a
Cambridge Audio 851W and after some time of break in I just wasn't happy. It seemed to have
the power and decent sound but was just missing something. I then went with one of Pete' cables
and found pretty much what I was looking for in this amp. (I do like Pete's cables).
Then along came Mongo.
Mongo took it up a notch. I'm not sure about phrasings so when someone says a cord is neutral it
doesn't mean a great deal to me. What does mean a lot to me is "natural". I play a couple of different
instruments as does my wife so I tend to know differences between types of wood and tonation of certain
instruments and Mongo has come the closest in presentation over anything I have ever had in my system.
Everything just sounds more relaxed but with such detail. The soundstage is quite large yet quite intimate meaning separation
is there in spades. Mongo has an immediacy but with a laid back sound that is hard to explain. It does it without a brittleness
or hyperness to the sound in any way. It's as if I'm not hearing through the stereo but more through the instrument itself.
I tried the cable in different positions (wall to Majic Buss, wall to amp and Majic Buss to amp) and while it helped in all positions the Majic to amp is where it ended up.
I was hoping to put this on Dave's website but alas it seems to be out for repair. Do hope it returns soon So I can put
this there.
So I'll end by saying Mongo is NOT not just a pawn in the game of life.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 06:26:51 AM by dflee »
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Offline Folsom

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Re: PI Audio Mongo Cable
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2020, 10:38:02 AM »
Very cool, glad you got to what you like.

I like natural, too. But it's hard to define. In fact it's become a buzz word sadly.

Offline Nick B

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Re: PI Audio Mongo Cable
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2020, 06:34:49 PM »
This post has been a long time coming and for that I do apologize to a certain Dave Elledge.
I got an amp that I was hoping would get me back to the sound I previously had. I got a
Cambridge Audio 850W and after some time of break in I just wasn't happy. It seemed to have
the power and decent sound but was just missing something. I then went with one of Pete' cables
and found pretty much what I was looking for in this amp. (I do like Pete's cables).
Then along came Mongo.
Mongo took it up a notch. I'm not sure about phrasings so when someone says a cord is neutral it
doesn't mean a great deal to me. What does mean a lot to me is "natural". I play a couple of different
instruments as does my wife so I tend to know differences between types of wood and tonation of certain
instruments and Mongo has come the closest in presentation over anything I have ever had in my system.
Everything just sounds more relaxed but with such detail. The soundstage is quite large yet quite intimate meaning separation
is there in spades. Mongo has an immediacy but with a laid back sound that is hard to explain. It does it without a brittleness
or hyperness to the sound in any way. It's as if I'm not hearing through the stereo but more through the instrument itself.
I tried the cable in different positions (wall to Majic Buss, wall to amp and Majic Buss to amp) and while it helped in all positions the Majic to amp is where it ended up.
I was hoping to put this on Dave's website but alas it seems to be out for repair. Do hope it returns soon So I can put
this there.
So I'll end by saying Mongo is NOT not just a pawn in the game of life.


Thanks, Don. Appreciate your informative comments, especially with your background as a musician.
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Offline dBe

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Re: PI Audio Mongo Cable
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2020, 08:22:29 PM »
Wow, Don!  Thanks!

It is a really good cable for lots of types of gear.  I try for neutral and you seem to have a piece of gear that has the synergy we all look for.

I was editing this morning.  I think you hit that session. I don’t have a comments section or forum there.  Just the facts, ma’am... to quote Joe Friday.