Author Topic: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour  (Read 30357 times)

Offline Response Audio

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Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« on: August 22, 2012, 06:41:45 PM »
There has been a lot of interest in the Basis mkII linestage lately so I figured I would see if there is enough interest from AN members to possibly do a quick tour of this model.

How it would work:

1) each person would get a few days with a unit that would be burned in prior to going out the door.
2) Each person in the tour would be responsible for shipping/insurance to the next person. The unit is not very heavy and we would would arrange for the shortest possible distance between auditioners so the fee should not be too much.
3) As much as we would like for as many people as possible to audition the Basis II, we ask that only those in the market for a preamplifier and would consider the Basis II ask to become part of the tour.
I will give it some time to see how much interest there is before determining if a tour is justified and if so, further details will be provided as well as the route this tour will take.

Please post your interest in this thread. If you have a gathering upcoming and would like to include the Basis mkII, please let me know when and where and we can work out the details to accommodate the gathering
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 06:46:19 PM by Response Audio »
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Re: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2012, 07:40:06 PM »
I have no interest in buying one but would like to hear one.
\Perhaps shipping one out to a rave,whenever the next one is, would be a good way to generate buzz without the added expenses of shipping all over the place.

I would love to host a rave, but that is unlikely. Now that my cartridge is back, I would be open to a mini rave at some point in the distant future. But your preamp should be at a big rave for many to hear at once.

Who is next scheduled for a rave? Perhaps we should call Phil? :rofl: I miss his lamb :?
System consists of an amp a preamp, 2 speakers a turntable and a phono preamp, Also some cables and power cords and a really cheap cd player.

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Re: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2012, 04:58:05 PM »
A rave would be a good place for many to audition a unit but rarely are those who attend them looking to purchase new products. Raves are a great event for music lover's to get together and compare notes. 

I am still very interested in providing a unit for a rave and if it can be arranged on the return leg of a tour,  we can make it happen.
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Re: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2012, 06:59:16 PM »
Agreed, most people at the raves are pretty set on what they have and like.
You may want to  try letting the regional audio groups get it for one of their meetings.
I know the California club is very active and they spend.
Your top of the line pre is I believe above 20K , that requires a special buyer with deep pockets and people with access to those types of people.
I know people who build really great stuff, and they want big money for their gear. Selling it is difficult , without a dealer network, marketing, and street cred. And resale value is critical to success for any product. My friend makes great gear but resale is about $1.50. That means alot to someone who spent alot of money.
And todays economy ain't helping. These forums can help alot, but I find they create more of a flavor of the month product, the buzz comes and then it goes, they never have staying power.
Shrinking economy, shrinking market base, and products going up in price create a conundrum...what to do?
Soon only the 1% will only be able to afford high end gear, the way the industry is going, and it seems they want to go only after the 1%. Make the money fast and quick.

Sorry for the tangent, but without a big marketing budget the only way to sell gear would have to be a grass roots movement, get it out there, take your lumps and hope for the best.

I personally know at least 4 other people trying to do the same thing you are trying to do and it is difficult to say the least. I wish you good luck and think you should take your chances with the audio groups, if the product is good it will sell, if not, then Darwin takes over.
System consists of an amp a preamp, 2 speakers a turntable and a phono preamp, Also some cables and power cords and a really cheap cd player.

Offline Response Audio

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Re: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2012, 08:13:00 PM »
You are absolutely correct. It is a tricky industry at best. Forums such as these, just like raves, are a great place for those with similar interest to hang out and discuss this passion (obsession) we all share.

Our $20K ore is smack dab in the middle of the Purity Series. The top of the line exceeds the $35K range. Believe it or not, it is the $15K and above pieces that are easier to sell these days. Consumers that can look at that kind of gear, have plenty of money anyway. Those in the <$5,000 range are cautious with their money.

Even with countless shows and several rave reviews, it can still be tricky without a huge marketing budget.

Luckily, I truly enjoy what I do so I will continue to design products for Purity as long as the market can keep the lights on. I very much prefer working with Purity over the retail company :thumb:
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Response Audio NY
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Re: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2012, 08:42:03 PM »
Believe it or not, it is the $15K and above pieces that are easier to sell these days.

That's actually obvious... as far as luxury goods, it's only the highest end consumers that have not been effected by the economic crisis. This end of things is recession proof. I think in today's market, you need to have great value for the money in an entry level product or cater to the super high end. It's the guys in the middle getting screwed right now.

The tour sounds interesting, but I just spent $1k+ building a 6SN7 Aikido... so if it were sent my way the only thing I'd be good for is feedback and a comparison to a moderately high end Aikido preamp build.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 08:44:22 PM by DaveC »

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Re: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2012, 06:12:22 AM »
I've gotta agree with DaveC and Topround.

I'd love to hear your preamps but even at the demo prices your gear is out of my reach. I'm set with the gear I have for now. Right now I only have funds for tweaks. On the tour I'd be listening to your gear  and :drool: into a cup.

I wish you all the best. Your preamps look and must sound awesome.

Offline Response Audio

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Re: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2012, 08:34:29 PM »
Thanks Sleepy. I wish I could send a Silver Statement out for people to hear as that is the piece that has most drooling. The Ultra GT has been known to make a grown audiophile cry :cry: but at $30K+, we don't send them around :shock:

What till you see what's in store for 2013 for another upper end preamp :drool: Something cometely different than what most would expect from us. I may have the prototype up and running by the end of next month.  Something my partner has had me working on for some time.

I also have a 300B amplifier design that we are considering using as one of our reference amplifiers. Not something that will go into production though but a killer piece just the same.

Boy how I wish I could afford the gear I design :duh
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Re: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2012, 09:14:37 PM »
Thanks Sleepy. I wish I could send a Silver Statement out for people to hear as that is the piece that has most drooling. The Ultra GT has been known to make a grown audiophile cry :cry: but at $30K+, we don't send them around :shock:

What till you see what's in store for 2013 for another upper end preamp :drool: Something cometely different than what most would expect from us. I may have the prototype up and running by the end of next month.  Something my partner has had me working on for some time.

I also have a 300B amplifier design that we are considering using as one of our reference amplifiers. Not something that will go into production though but a killer piece just the same.

Boy how I wish I could afford the gear I design :duh

I definitely think some power amp options would be a good idea, especially gain matched with your preamps. I am surprised that there are so many integrated amps and even worse... power amps that reach full volume with less than 2V input. Especially since building the Aikido... it is a superior voltage amplifier and while it could be used as frontend for a power amp, I think it's better in it's own chassis with it's own power supply and away from high current power amplifier sections. I may be one of the few left that thinks separate pre and power amps are a better solution, lol.

I think you're in a good market position, if you can sell and market, there's probably a larger market for $30k preamps these days than $5k preamps...

Offline topround

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Re: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2012, 03:39:05 AM »
Any transformer coupling in your future?
I believe a good transformer sounds way superior to any cap, even the big potted Duelands. Way cheaper too.
System consists of an amp a preamp, 2 speakers a turntable and a phono preamp, Also some cables and power cords and a really cheap cd player.

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Re: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2012, 07:55:15 AM »
  Bill our club the Audiosyndrome would be very interested in demonstrating your preamp. You will have an attentive and interested crowd.
   Our next meeting will be at my home. Speakers used will be Pipedreams driven by Arion hybrid Class "D".
   We are meeting Sept. 14the. Ya might even want to come yourself.

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Offline Response Audio

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Re: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2012, 07:20:29 PM »
This is where we differ from others. All of our preamps, except the standard Basis mkII are transformer coupled. Both input and output. We have our transformers custom built to our specification by Electra-Print. There are some products out there that use transformer coupling without the capacitors but this causes serious problems in the lower regions of the frequency response. Others do use capacitors but of an inferior quality; usually some type of cheap electrolytic due to the value required. We won't use lytics.  We also employ some additional tweaks in this part of the circuit that others (that I have seen) do not use causing frequency issues and lower frequency phase shifts.

I know some will say the quality of the capacitor in this application make no sonic difference but I assure you that we did a lot of evaluating when designing these products and tried a LOT of different capacitors, including no capacitors, and the capacitor does matter.

Let me see what I can do about getting one to you for this next meeting. I appreciate your asking and interest in having one there. Thank you.
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Re: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2012, 07:40:07 AM »
Thanks Bill. Hope it cam happen. Yes those Duelands do make a significant difference. Even the inexpensive Alexandra line. Recently installed as coupling caps in my preamp. Just no going back.
     Trannie outputs are my cup of Tea. A firm believer especially with DACs and Amps.  however just adding a Trannie is not the most affective method. I'll leave it to Bill to conquer that.

contact me  at or visit us on Facebook
Lamm Industries - Aqua Acoustic, Formula & La Scala DAC- INNUOS  - Rethm - Kuzma - QLN - Audio Hungary Qualiton - Fritz speakers -Gigawatt -Vinnie Rossi,TWL, Swiss Cables, Merason DAC.


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Re: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2012, 05:25:50 PM »
Thanks Bill. Hope it cam happen. Yes those Duelands do make a significant difference. Even the inexpensive Alexandra line. Recently installed as coupling caps in my preamp. Just no going back.
     Trannie outputs are my cup of Tea. A firm believer especially with DACs and Amps.  however just adding a Trannie is not the most affective method. I'll leave it to Bill to conquer that.


What did you have as a coupling cap before?

I found RelCap copper foil caps on sale for $50/ea (.47 uF) and am pretty happy with the result, but partsconnexion has the top of the line Duelunds for 66% off. That's still $400 for 2 capacitors... Man, with caps in this kind of price range, transformer coupling IS looking like a better option though...

Offline topround

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Re: Purity Audio Basis mkII preamplifier tour
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2012, 06:22:45 PM »
It sounds like your preamp design is a parafeed design, utilizing both caps and transformers similiar to the designs of Supratek.
System consists of an amp a preamp, 2 speakers a turntable and a phono preamp, Also some cables and power cords and a really cheap cd player.