Author Topic: To Ground or Un-Ground is the Question ??  (Read 5389 times)

Offline rollo

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To Ground or Un-Ground is the Question ??
« on: February 13, 2019, 10:43:13 AM »
  According to several well respected designers and Engineers grounding of one component over grounding all is highly recommended.
 Larry Smith, Ken Stevens, Sal Di Amico, JC Morrison reco grounding only amp or preamp and all else un-grounded. Stating ground loop potential between components and house ground. Larry made the Diff a strip which grounded digital and un-grounded analog. Worked very well back in the day.
  When using two or more dedicated lines where wire length is NOT the same ground loop potential can be an issue. When using one dedicated line separating the Digital is impossible.
  As of this writing using two dedicated lines with a conditioner on each line. Only Amp is grounded now. Whats your opinion Dave, Scotty, Pete, Steve and last but not least Folsom ?

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