Author Topic: Hapa Audio Digital S/PDIF Cable  (Read 7322 times)

Offline dflee

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Hapa Audio Digital S/PDIF Cable
« on: August 28, 2022, 07:10:13 PM »
I can't speak for all digital cables but tried out the Hapa Audio Aero digital from cdp to dac and honestly have to say I've never heard anything like it. I've also never had this expensive of cable before but man this one is beyond anything I've heard at home or in any B&M in my life.

"Enjoy pleasure, not because it is fleeting, but because it exists at all." Sacrament, Clive Barker.

Offline S Clark

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Re: Hapa Audio Digital S/PDIF Cable
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2022, 09:03:11 PM »
Yep, Jason is making excellent cables... he's just very proud of them. 
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Offline Nick B

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Re: Hapa Audio Digital S/PDIF Cable
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2022, 11:15:23 PM »
I’ve been following the thread over at AC. Seems very innovative and labor intensive. He polishes metal just as Dave does here. I tried to get on board with the tour of the digital coax, but never heard back from Jason. It would have been very interesting to compare it to my Wywires Platinum digital.
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Offline S Clark

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Re: Hapa Audio Digital S/PDIF Cable
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2022, 06:02:06 AM »
I reviewed his Quiescent silver interconnects, and thought them nearly equal to the Wywires silver... but not quite as good.  If the Hapa prices fall, or if enough hit the used market I'd be interested.  As is, I think Audio Sensibility offers similar quality at about half the price.   
All said, for someone new to the field, Jason is making a very good product.  As his stuff improves, he'll carve out a following in a competitive market. 
« Last Edit: August 29, 2022, 06:03:47 AM by S Clark »
Speaker-GR Research LS9-XStatik-AltecFlamenco
Cable-AudioSensibility Wywires TWL
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Offline Nick B

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Re: Hapa Audio Digital S/PDIF Cable
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2022, 10:04:12 AM »
I reviewed his Quiescent silver interconnects, and thought them nearly equal to the Wywires silver... but not quite as good.  If the Hapa prices fall, or if enough hit the used market I'd be interested.  As is, I think Audio Sensibility offers similar quality at about half the price.   
All said, for someone new to the field, Jason is making a very good product.  As his stuff improves, he'll carve out a following in a competitive market.

Good to have your input on this. I’m happily living with my Wywires because you gave me the opportunity to borrow yours 👍   Based on Don’s description, the Aero would really have been interesting to audition
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Offline Triode Pete

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Re: Hapa Audio Digital S/PDIF Cable
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2022, 10:21:11 AM »
Just received this feedback regarding a superior "Spirit 75" S/PDIF cable ($249) vs. a $900 Clarus Crimson S/PDIF cable...

Hi Pete,
I just wanted to follow-up and let you know that the S/PDIF cable will not be coming back, nor will it ever be leaving my system :-)
It handily trounced the Clarus Crimson I had by a hefty margin in all respects.
Now I just need to start saving up to buy some of your speaker cables and power cords...
This is a very expensive hobby/illness, but one that is certainly rewarding!
Thanks so much for your amazing products.
Best regards,

Not sure what the Hapa S/PDIF cable goes for but willing to put the "Spirit 75" against it (as well as any other cable)...

Just sayin',
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Offline James Edward

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Re: Hapa Audio Digital S/PDIF Cable
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2022, 01:40:02 PM »
Pete throws down the gauntlet!
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Re: Hapa Audio Digital S/PDIF Cable
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2022, 10:16:35 PM »
The kumihimo braiding method that Pez uses is attractive and makes for a nice looking pieces of audio jewelry, especially when he uses beads.

His marketing skills are to be admired, too.  He's riding the "highly polished, aerogel insulated" horses for all they are worth.

I'm not trying to run down Jason, his products or his veracity.  I will say that his approach to building quality cables demands high pricing.  His approach to sales is a polar opposite to how I ran my business.  My approach was to develop an exceptional product line that I could sell at the lowest possible price.  I've talked to others in the industry and tend to "hang out" with those that have the same philosophy: Danny Richie (GR Research), Eric Hider (dB Audio Labs), Pete (TWL), Greg Roberts (Volti) and Gary Dews (Border Patrol).

The TWL/dBe Passion USB cable is a frickin' Killer for less than $400.00.

Could I design a digital cable that is worth $1300.00/meter?  Sure... as a matter of fact, I have.  It is quite frankly speaking - stunning.  Question is: is it worth it?  Answer is that for less than half the price I designed a USB cable that is 98% of the "Stoopid'E' USB".  On 99% of the systems I have heard, the "half cost" cable is all anyone needs due to system limitations.

No, my personal, proprietary USB cables are not for sale.  They kill my arthritic old hands and I don't need to complicate my overly complicated situation.

There are a lot of good cables out there.  There are some great values in cables: (TWL) comes to mind immediately.  I'm sure Hapa cables sound wonderful.  I know the man and I know his passion.  The guy can hear. I've set with him in listening sessions and heard his comments.  I also know that we have different listening criteria... not wrong, just different.

Cables are the arena of holy wars.  Let the battles rage on.  I'll build my own...

Besides:  there is always a faster gun fighter!
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Offline dflee

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Re: Hapa Audio Digital S/PDIF Cable
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2022, 07:55:06 AM »
Good replies thus far. You could say I'm the Will Rogers guy when it comes to cables. I never met a cable I didn't like. Every one of them has had something about them I found pleasing and I've enjoyed them all. The question would then be, why change? And I think for the most part it would be curiosity to see if I can get more out of the equipment I have to my liking. Every system is different and one size doesn't fit all and just because it doesn't fit me doesn't make it a bad item. I switched from an Illuminaty D60 to the Spirit 75. The D60 was different in warmth and had great detail. The Spirit 75 was warmer with a fuller sound and I enjoyed it for what it could do. Hapa made a digital cable (Aero fashion) and I put it in to try out. My wife has hardly ever commented on changes in the system. Even when I ask her she may state there's a little difference. I didn't say anything when I installed the Aero and she asked me if I changed something. I asked her if it was for the worse and she stated it was quite different and good. That means a lot and I like what the cable does. Is it better than the others, not necessarily but I found it to be different in a way that is very pleasing to me.
Is it more expensive? You can bet your ass it is but I felt it was worth it.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2022, 08:00:04 AM by dflee »
"Enjoy pleasure, not because it is fleeting, but because it exists at all." Sacrament, Clive Barker.