Self Medicating > General DIY

Magnepan MG10/QR DSP crossover

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--- Quote from: HAL on October 21, 2023, 05:00:34 PM ---The custom modified HX300-8OB servo amps are here and now in their boxes to get wired to the servo subs. 

Using the Neutrik 4-pole Speakon connectors on the cabinets and wiring harness for simple connections.

Wiring the cable harness is ongoing as the parts arrived today to complete the wiring. 

The 4x8in OB cabinets are to be finished this week and delivered. 

Getting closer!

--- End quote ---

The servo amp are ready to use with the wiring completed.

Next is the sub cable harnesses.  Since these are for shows, the wiring is external to make it easy to assemble and disassemble for movement and setup.

Have the module grill frames, so will try to put the black speaker fabric on them for the show. 


--- Quote from: HAL on October 22, 2023, 05:00:00 AM ---The servo amp are ready to use with the wiring completed.

Next is the sub cable harnesses.  Since these are for shows, the wiring is external to make it easy to assemble and disassemble for movement and setup.

Have the module grill frames, so will try to put the black speaker fabric on them for the show.

--- End quote ---

Grill cloth, schmill cloth!  Audiophools love to see the drivers dance!

Nick B:

--- Quote from: P.I. on October 26, 2023, 07:30:02 PM ---
--- Quote from: HAL on October 22, 2023, 05:00:00 AM ---The servo amp are ready to use with the wiring completed.

Next is the sub cable harnesses.  Since these are for shows, the wiring is external to make it easy to assemble and disassemble for movement and setup.

Have the module grill frames, so will try to put the black speaker fabric on them for the show.

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Grill cloth, schmill cloth!  Audiophools love to see the drivers dance!

--- End quote ---

Hmmm….to grill or not to grill….that is the question 🤷 😁


--- Quote from: Nick B on October 26, 2023, 09:13:52 PM ---
--- Quote from: P.I. on October 26, 2023, 07:30:02 PM ---
--- Quote from: HAL on October 22, 2023, 05:00:00 AM ---The servo amp are ready to use with the wiring completed.

Next is the sub cable harnesses.  Since these are for shows, the wiring is external to make it easy to assemble and disassemble for movement and setup.

Have the module grill frames, so will try to put the black speaker fabric on them for the show.

--- End quote ---

Grill cloth, schmill cloth!  Audiophools love to see the drivers dance!

--- End quote ---

Hmmm….to grill or not to grill….that is the question 🤷 😁

--- End quote ---

No question. As I wrote to you in your subwoofer thread, "I like options".  :thumb:

I agree with P.I. that "Audiophools love to see the drivers..." The "dance!" part perhaps, but IMO that depends on which driver is dancing and how so. I think the movement of any kind would be limited to the bass drivers.

Grills provide advantages that should include aesthetics as well as protection. Additionally, they can contribute (or detract) from the sonic attributes. No grill is 100 percent acoustically transparent, but it can be better than 99 percent. In this context, what I mean by "grill" is anything except air directly in front of and closer than one foot to the plane of the driver. A potential positive advantage acoustically comes from increased damping factor and/or taking just enough unwanted airiness away from the top end. I realize this is a slippery slope. Glad I'm not a DIYer or speaker designer.  :rofl:

Considering all of the aforementioned, it is my belief/opinion that grills should be included with any pair of speakers, however, said grill should be easily (operative word being easily) removable and re-attachable to the frame of the speaker. I'll repeat myself in that "I like options"  8)


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