Self Medicating > General DIY

Audio Room V2.0

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--- Quote from: HAL on August 10, 2023, 03:24:02 PM ---GDHAL,
I have an estimate coming from an acoustician to cost out measuring, modeling and coming up with a plan to acoustically treat my room.  Should have the proposal tomorrow. 

Cool thing is the acoustician already knew about HAL and had some questions about my services.  A small world.

My room will need absorption, diffusion and bass traps to correct it, even though it has very good dimensions.  First reflection point absorption on the side walls and ceiling this time.

Will see what happens.

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And by the way Rich, my (good) advice about the mirroring of diffuser panels applies to whatever vendor you use.

At some level, aesthetics plays a role in everyone's A/V system.



The Sonitus USA system I have heard is all about asymmetry in setting up acoustic materials.  Their theory is that any symmetry leads to resonances.

After hearing a room treated with their system with very good speakers installed, I would have to agree with their theory.  Having asymmetrical diffusors on opposite walls may look wrong, but acoustically was better.

Yes, the tri-corners will all get treatments.  At 10ft up, probably not by me.  The Sonitus USA system has corner traps in all the upper corners and bass trapping for the lower corners.

Now if I could only get them to answer the question about east coast installers for their acoustic treatments I would be happy.

Should have the acoustician estimate today if things go well. 


--- Quote from: HAL on August 11, 2023, 04:30:04 AM ---GDHAL,
The Sonitus USA system I have heard is all about asymmetry in setting up acoustic materials.  Their theory is that any symmetry leads to resonances.

After hearing a room treated with their system with very good speakers installed, I would have to agree with their theory.  Having asymmetrical diffusors on opposite walls may look wrong, but acoustically was better.

Yes, the tri-corners will all get treatments.  At 10ft up, probably not by me.  The Sonitus USA system has corner traps in all the upper corners and bass trapping for the lower corners.

Now if I could only get them to answer the question about east coast installers for their acoustic treatments I would be happy.

Should have the acoustician estimate today if things go well.

--- End quote ---

Rich, I humbly disagree that asymmetry has anything at all to do with resonance. And I mean ** anything **. And, I don't care if the president of the U.S. AND the pope say so. I know (for certain) so.

But, it's your space, do as you will.

If you're looking for an east coast installer, I have one. Likely the best as he does professional installs and is recommended by Bruce Clark of Audio Breakthroughs. He did my room. If you want his name and number, just ask. He works with a licensed carpenter using two laser where things are "exactly perfect" (Grateful Dead term). And I mean exact. Also uses the ** correct ** hardware to affix the materials to the wall/ceiling. Not cheap, but reasonable though IMO.

EDIT : Rich, if Sonitus USA is telling you asymmetry has something to do with resonance, please let them know that ** I ** say that so does the earth's position relative to the moon and sun at any given moment.


--- Quote from: HAL on August 11, 2023, 04:30:04 AM ---.....  The Sonitus USA system has corner traps in all the upper corners and bass trapping for the lower corners.....

--- End quote ---

What's the difference between "traps" and "bass trapping"?  :duh

Sorry, Rich. I started my drinking a bit early today.  :shock:


--- Quote from: GDHAL on August 11, 2023, 02:09:21 AM ---
--- Quote from: P.I. on August 10, 2023, 05:50:57 PM ---Attend to the corners, Rich.  90 degree intersections SUCK - out mids.  They are the single worst problem in every small room.  Pay particular attention to the four upper tri-corners where walls and ceiling intersect.  Comb filtering, honky nightmares!

--- End quote ---

Hi P.I. I'm in zip 11520. With virtually zero notice you can stop by my place. After (actually during) listening, I think you'll change your mind about 90 degree intersections suck out the mids in the corner. Bring your measurements gear too!  :rofl: 8) :rofl: 8) :thumb:

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My mind has nothing do do with the reality and immutability of physics.


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