Self Medicating > General DIY

Add spikes to your Pangea Vulcan rack shelves

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--- Quote from: James Edward on November 26, 2023, 06:20:30 AM ---
I don’t know if a sub on a cement floor would benefit as much, but my sub on a suspended wood floor did.

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Thanks for the input. I have the sub on vinyl tiles over concrete. Might not be that noticeable.



--- Quote from: Nick B on November 26, 2023, 01:51:13 PM ---

I just found some pricing on Audiogon and the Townsend stuff is pricey…more than I’d like to spend at this time. I will admit that I just spent good 💵 and bought a used Hapa Audio polished silver Aero digital cable, and the improvement is significant over my WyWires Platinum digital coax. But…. it is the holiday season and my pockets are getting emptier 😳 If I knew the improvement would be as significant as the amazing Hapa Aero, I’d certainly consider doing it at some point. My JMR Voce Grande speakers have gliders, but they are fixed and not adjustable. Individual iso pucks would work. My speakers are at least 70 lbs each.


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Gotcha, Nick. I am implementing a tight money policy as well. My coffers are completely empty.  :lol: And the Fed and Central Bank are unwilling to step in with any more funds for audio equipment, hence the need for the $25 spike tweak.  :thumb:

You are probably looking at $2,000 or more for your speakers if you invest in the Townshends.


James Edward:
Isoacoustics is on sale at Crutchfield at the moment.


--- Quote from: James Edward on November 27, 2023, 02:16:04 PM ---Isoacoustics is on sale at Crutchfield at the moment.

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A footnote around this... Note that the IsoAcoustics product line includes carpet spikes, designed for their GAIA footers. My opinion only .....if you use the IsoAcoustics carpet spikes you're back at square one...

Cardinal rule NO SPIKES!


--- Quote from: James Edward on November 27, 2023, 02:16:04 PM ---Isoacoustics is on sale at Crutchfield at the moment.

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Thanks for the heads up! But it seems I shall miss it. I'll check back next year.


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