Author Topic: Microphonics, archiving and 8 tracks as well.  (Read 17325 times)


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Microphonics, archiving and 8 tracks as well.
« on: January 19, 2007, 11:51:10 AM »
Another mini novel...but here goes.

What are you folks using to curb microphonics with the headshell cartridge combo>?

When I touch my headshell, the transmission of my fingertips (with level up of course) is amplified FAR more than I feel it should be. So...that is the beginnings, starting with a question. many people hear realise that an ADAT machine can be had rather inexpensively and does an excellent job of archiving vinyl? For those who do not use the computer for a music storage medium, this is a viable alternative.

The Alesis ADAT machines can be had rather inexpensively on the 'auctions' and can record 2 channels of very good quality digital on a single SVHS tape for 60 mins. That the machine has 8 channels, this is 4 hours for you mathematics scholors. 4 hours of recording to a digital medium for the cost of a SVHS tape.

20 bit 48K and the converters are good. It does have 8 channels of A/D D/A and all of this for around 150 to 250..they retailed in the 4 digitis as well.

They have single ended inputs and outputs analogue. you simply use the different inputs for where you want to record and playback music to and from. The audio quality is very appealing.

So that is my say on the "8 track" situation.