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Response Audio is Back - Tubes/DHT/GaN FET Hybrid

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Response Audio:
After a long hiatus while working for Purity Audio Design, I am no longer associated with Purity. Response Audio has re-emerged and is now back building custom designed versions of our products.
Products that will remain in the lineup but now under the Response Audio umbrella.

1- Spirit Class A tube linestage — for pairing with any of our amplifiers or yours
2- Spirit Hybrid GaN FET amplifier (while inventory last)
3- Harmonia v4 DHT output stage/preamplifier

Coming soon
- Master DHT preamplifier
- Master DHT Hybrid. 200/300 watt GaN FET output stage with 300B input stage
- Master DHT amplifiers 45/2A3 and 300B

The new Response Audio wed site is in process of being build and will go live this weekend. I will continue to build the site over the next few weeks.
Further details to follow.

Triode Pete:
Congrats Bill! Best of luck!


Nick B:
Congratulations! All the best with Response Audio

Response Audio:
Thanks guys. I decided it was time to go back to my roots and design and build products ranging from the affordable to more exotic designs. I also have a series of DHT amplifiers that have been in the design stage for some time now behind the scenes. I’m back where I belong.  :thumb:


--- Quote from: Response Audio on April 18, 2024, 08:12:59 AM ---Thanks guys. I decided it was time to go back to my roots and design and build products ranging from the affordable to more exotic designs. I also have a series of DHT amplifiers that have been in the design stage for some time now behind the scenes. I’m back where I belong.  :thumb:

--- End quote ---
Good for you.  Life is too short to not do what you're called to do.  :thumb:


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