Author Topic: Questions about interconnect metallurgy, geometry???  (Read 8922 times)

Offline P.I.

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Questions about interconnect metallurgy, geometry???
« on: August 30, 2024, 08:01:06 PM »
Continued from another thread:

Everyone thinks copper, silver or gold is the be all and end all, but:

Dave is an alchemist.  His interconnects are unique in SQ.  For some, they are awesome.  For others, meh.  I can say they are very musical.  Thing is, must audiophools don't really want musical.

No, I no longer own his cables.  I build my own, to my preference.
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline Nick B

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Re: Questions about interconnect metallurgy, geometry???
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2024, 03:46:18 PM »
The dealer in so. California who really got me into high end audio (around 1990) carried Magnan cables at one point. Iirc, these were round with a very large diameter. I've never owned any Magnan cables.

Some of you might be aware that I auditioned the Hapa Silver interconnects recently and thought they were excellent. But they are pricey. In the late 1980s, I had a full loom of unshielded Music Metre silver foil cables and they put the  "SSSS" in sibilance. I'm presuming that was partly due to lower quality silver. Nowadays I am gravitating again toward the sound of silver. I appreciate copper for other uses like the excellent TWL HP Digital American II power cord that feeds my UberBUSS.

Recently I was told about a cable company that offers a silver/gold alloy cable. With solid silver AECO RCAs, that might be just the combination for me to enjoy detail and refinement with a touch of warmth. It's reasonably priced as well. I am in the group that prefers more of a closest to the original recording studio sound rather than live concerts where some of the "good stuff" gets obscured by poor acoustics or crowd noise.
Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
Hattor Big preamp
JMR Voce Grande speakers
Holo Cyan2 dac
Holo Red streamer
Spiritual Sound silver/gold
digital coax and interconnects
TWL Digital American II p cord
Audio Envy p cords
Roon, Tidal, Qobuz
PI Audio UberBUSS

Offline mresseguie

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Re: Questions about interconnect metallurgy, geometry???
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2024, 11:38:10 PM »

"Recently I was told about a cable company that offers a silver/gold alloy cable. With solid silver AECO RCAs, that might be just the combination for me to enjoy detail and refinement with a touch of warmth. It's reasonably priced as well. I am in the group that prefers more of a closest to the original recording studio sound rather than live concerts where some of the "good stuff" gets obscured by poor acoustics or crowd noise."

Now, why would you post this (knowing full well there are certain individuals whose radar ears/eyes PERK UP when the above statement is made) on an audio forum without also including a BIG warning sign?  :drool: Ya gotta....just GOTTA let me in on the secret (in an email if necessary).  :drool: :thumb:


Daedalus Audio Apollos; Fritz Loudspeakers LS/5-R
Don Sachs Model 2 preamp
Don Sachs dual mono 300b; Nuprime Evolution STA
Hapa loom
PI Audio UberBUSS, DigiBUSS, Uber-MiniBUS

Offline Nick B

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Re: Questions about interconnect metallurgy, geometry???
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2024, 12:38:28 AM »
Oh Michael. What have I done?? haha... It wasn't intentional! We have forum member Jack D here who has a friend named Vaughan who I got all the information from. Vaughan is a great guy and comes up with all kinds of interesting info. Today I spoke with the owner/sole proprietor of Spiritual Sound in NY state named Cameron Rector. The silver gold alloy wire IC was a one off as a client had the wire and asked Cameron to incorporate it. Now Cameron says he'd have to order quite a large amount of it. But!.... I have been doing a little research and there appear to be various vendors that offer it in small amounts. I need to get the exact info as to the gauge. Cameron says it's Neotech wire. So I'm going to pursue it as it's so intriguing and I was so pleased with my audition of the Hapa Silver and Cameron's customer is so happy with it. The website is  (not com) and Cameron is a really nice guy and enjoys talking audio too. He's retired and does this for fun and the cost of his silver interconnect is $350. Shoot him an email if you'd like and I will work on finding that silver gold wire.

Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
Hattor Big preamp
JMR Voce Grande speakers
Holo Cyan2 dac
Holo Red streamer
Spiritual Sound silver/gold
digital coax and interconnects
TWL Digital American II p cord
Audio Envy p cords
Roon, Tidal, Qobuz
PI Audio UberBUSS

Offline vsrrr

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Re: Questions about interconnect metallurgy, geometry???
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2024, 09:27:12 AM »
Hey all!
Resolution and musicality - the holy grail I'm always chasing, but not always finding!
Great fun to have some companions on this quest!
Excited to see where this goes!
Puritan Ultimate > PSM156 > TWL Digital American PC's > Auralic Aries G2 > Tubulus Concentus USB > Merason DAC1 > AZ Absolute Copper IC's > Gryphon Diablo 300 > AZ Hologram II SC's > Nola KO's > Rythmik F12SE's
Experimenting with Supratek Chardonnay +more

Offline P.I.

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Re: Questions about interconnect metallurgy, geometry???
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2024, 02:01:48 PM »
Oh Michael. What have I done?? haha... It wasn't intentional! We have forum member Jack D here who has a friend named Vaughan who I got all the information from. Vaughan is a great guy and comes up with all kinds of interesting info. Today I spoke with the owner/sole proprietor of Spiritual Sound in NY state named Cameron Rector. The silver gold alloy wire IC was a one off as a client had the wire and asked Cameron to incorporate it. Now Cameron says he'd have to order quite a large amount of it. But!.... I have been doing a little research and there appear to be various vendors that offer it in small amounts. I need to get the exact info as to the gauge. Cameron says it's Neotech wire. So I'm going to pursue it as it's so intriguing and I was so pleased with my audition of the Hapa Silver and Cameron's customer is so happy with it. The website is  (not com) and Cameron is a really nice guy and enjoys talking audio too. He's retired and does this for fun and the cost of his silver interconnect is $350. Shoot him an email if you'd like and I will work on finding that silver gold wire.


Here is a source:
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline Nick B

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Re: Questions about interconnect metallurgy, geometry???
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2024, 08:08:02 PM »
Hey all!
Resolution and musicality - the holy grail I'm always chasing, but not always finding!
Great fun to have some companions on this quest!
Excited to see where this goes!

Hey Vaughan,

Great to have you here! Yes, chasing that holy grail...or that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow 🌈

Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
Hattor Big preamp
JMR Voce Grande speakers
Holo Cyan2 dac
Holo Red streamer
Spiritual Sound silver/gold
digital coax and interconnects
TWL Digital American II p cord
Audio Envy p cords
Roon, Tidal, Qobuz
PI Audio UberBUSS

Offline Nick B

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Re: Questions about interconnect metallurgy, geometry???
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2024, 08:10:49 PM »
Oh Michael. What have I done?? haha... It wasn't intentional! We have forum member Jack D here who has a friend named Vaughan who I got all the information from. Vaughan is a great guy and comes up with all kinds of interesting info. Today I spoke with the owner/sole proprietor of Spiritual Sound in NY state named Cameron Rector. The silver gold alloy wire IC was a one off as a client had the wire and asked Cameron to incorporate it. Now Cameron says he'd have to order quite a large amount of it. But!.... I have been doing a little research and there appear to be various vendors that offer it in small amounts. I need to get the exact info as to the gauge. Cameron says it's Neotech wire. So I'm going to pursue it as it's so intriguing and I was so pleased with my audition of the Hapa Silver and Cameron's customer is so happy with it. The website is  (not com) and Cameron is a really nice guy and enjoys talking audio too. He's retired and does this for fun and the cost of his silver interconnect is $350. Shoot him an email if you'd like and I will work on finding that silver gold wire.


Here is a source:

Thanks much, Dave 👍
Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
Hattor Big preamp
JMR Voce Grande speakers
Holo Cyan2 dac
Holo Red streamer
Spiritual Sound silver/gold
digital coax and interconnects
TWL Digital American II p cord
Audio Envy p cords
Roon, Tidal, Qobuz
PI Audio UberBUSS

Offline Triode Pete

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Re: Questions about interconnect metallurgy, geometry???
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2024, 09:44:35 AM »
Oh Michael. What have I done?? haha... It wasn't intentional! We have forum member Jack D here who has a friend named Vaughan who I got all the information from. Vaughan is a great guy and comes up with all kinds of interesting info. Today I spoke with the owner/sole proprietor of Spiritual Sound in NY state named Cameron Rector. The silver gold alloy wire IC was a one off as a client had the wire and asked Cameron to incorporate it. Now Cameron says he'd have to order quite a large amount of it. But!.... I have been doing a little research and there appear to be various vendors that offer it in small amounts. I need to get the exact info as to the gauge. Cameron says it's Neotech wire. So I'm going to pursue it as it's so intriguing and I was so pleased with my audition of the Hapa Silver and Cameron's customer is so happy with it. The website is  (not com) and Cameron is a really nice guy and enjoys talking audio too. He's retired and does this for fun and the cost of his silver interconnect is $350. Shoot him an email if you'd like and I will work on finding that silver gold wire.


Here is a source:
FWIW, GEOMETRY of the cables can be as IMPORTANT as the metallurgy...  in a lot of cases MORE IMPORTANT! just saying...

WT Reference/Lyra Titan I
Quadratic Audio MC-1
Custom BorderPatrol preamp with phono & line stage
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Offline Nick B

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Re: Questions about interconnect metallurgy, geometry???
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2024, 08:18:13 PM »
Oh Michael. What have I done?? haha... It wasn't intentional! We have forum member Jack D here who has a friend named Vaughan who I got all the information from. Vaughan is a great guy and comes up with all kinds of interesting info. Today I spoke with the owner/sole proprietor of Spiritual Sound in NY state named Cameron Rector. The silver gold alloy wire IC was a one off as a client had the wire and asked Cameron to incorporate it. Now Cameron says he'd have to order quite a large amount of it. But!.... I have been doing a little research and there appear to be various vendors that offer it in small amounts. I need to get the exact info as to the gauge. Cameron says it's Neotech wire. So I'm going to pursue it as it's so intriguing and I was so pleased with my audition of the Hapa Silver and Cameron's customer is so happy with it. The website is  (not com) and Cameron is a really nice guy and enjoys talking audio too. He's retired and does this for fun and the cost of his silver interconnect is $350. Shoot him an email if you'd like and I will work on finding that silver gold wire.


Here is a source:
FWIW, GEOMETRY of the cables can be as IMPORTANT as the metallurgy...  in a lot of cases MORE IMPORTANT! just saying...


Absolutely will take your word on that, Pete. But quite difficult for the average guy to sometimes figure out what is sales hype vs really good design....
Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
Hattor Big preamp
JMR Voce Grande speakers
Holo Cyan2 dac
Holo Red streamer
Spiritual Sound silver/gold
digital coax and interconnects
TWL Digital American II p cord
Audio Envy p cords
Roon, Tidal, Qobuz
PI Audio UberBUSS

Offline P.I.

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Re: Questions about interconnect metallurgy, geometry???
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2024, 11:18:35 AM »
FWIW, GEOMETRY of the cables can be as IMPORTANT as the metallurgy...  in a lot of cases MORE IMPORTANT! just saying...

Absolutely.  Years ago I got trashed on another forum that shall remain nameless (OK.  Initials are PE-TT) about the diameter of my power cables.  I tried to explain that was for 3 reasons:

1 - controlling L/C (R is fixed)
2 - producing a self shielding lay
3 - flexibility

Flat-earthers just could not understand and called me a liar/charlatan.

Then, my MPC/Mini++ won a Brutus Award from Positive Feedback.

Pete, you nailed the "geometry thing".  :thumb:
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe