Group Therapy > NY Audio Rave

Everybody, stay healthy and safe!

(1/2) > >>

Well, this COVID-19 is just striking another blow to the potential of any gathering by the crazy audio nuts!  Most important, everybody take care and stay healthy.  This will pass, of course.... :p

Barry (NJ):
All hunkered down safe here, been working remotely since 3/12...


--- Quote from: Barry (NJ) on March 24, 2020, 09:41:24 AM ---All hunkered down safe here, been working remotely since 3/12...

--- End quote ---

Tough life isn't it? :dj:

Barry (NJ):
--- Quote from: goldlizsts on June 10, 2020, 05:50:27 AM ---Tough life isn't it? :dj:

--- End quote ---

While I'm very thankful for keeping my employment, I seem to be working more now than when I was going into the office, and also miss the social aspect of it a great deal.
So while it's no party, there are no real complaints here  ;)

From now on no one will be able to bring Pangolins to raves, now matter how tasty the meat and curative the scales are. 

Stay safe everyone.



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