Author Topic: Tech talk about the modified Magnepan 1.7i DSP project by Tom Martin of TAS  (Read 2508 times)

Offline HAL

  • Audio Neurotic
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  • Audio Mad Scientist
    • Hollis Audio Labs
Here is a video tech talk by Tom Martin of The Absolute Sound and The Audio Belle about the Magnepan 1.7i open architecture speaker project.

The Danville Signal dspNexus 2x8 with the AK4499EX DAC's, the Hollis Audio Labs built pair of 4x8in servo sub arrays used with the modified Magnepan 1.7i's were the system described and shown in the video.

The system without the servo subs will be at AXPONA 2024 in the  Danville Signal room 356 for an AB comparison of passive vs DSP crossovers.  Please stop by for a listen at the show.