Author Topic: The Absolute Sound reviews the Purity "Silver Statement" Preamplifier  (Read 3707 times)

Offline Response Audio

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Dick Olsher's review of the Purity Audio Design Silver Statement linestage has been published in the September issue of The Absolute Sound. This issue is already making it's way into subscriber's mailboxes and should hit news stands by the end of this month.

While we obviously cannot post the whole review here, below is a quote from the review.

"It’s rare in this business to come across a product that distances itself from the competition right out of the box. But that sort of jaw-dropping experience was exactly my first impression. I happened to be listening to David Manley’s Lesley album, a recording I’m very well familiar with, when it hit home that this was the most revealing linestage preamp I’d heard to date. It was without peer in fleshing out individual image outlines with realistic space between them..."

"It is a persuasive musical performer that has earned my highest praise and my passionate vote for linestage preamp of the year...."

Dick Olsher
The Absolute Sound                                     
Issue 215, September 2011

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Response Audio NY
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Offline richidoo

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That's very high praise from one of the smartest guys in the hifi hobby. A favorable review of a preamp from Olsher is rare.  Especially a nine pin tube preamp which he usually subtly frowns upon.

Combine that with Rim's (woodsyi) great review of a few months back and the Statement is a preamp I really want to hear sometime. I'd love to have a system that could do it justice.