Author Topic: A chance to audition the Purity PSE300B mono blocs  (Read 3758 times)

Offline Response Audio

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A chance to audition the Purity PSE300B mono blocs
« on: December 04, 2012, 07:27:44 PM »
The first production pair of the Purity 18 watt Parallel 300B mono blocs should be available for audition in January here in our Endicott showroom. After about a week, they will be sent out to Jam'n Audio in Lake Villa, IL

They may make a few other appearances between the time they reach Jam'n Audio and their formal debut at Axpona 2013 in Chicago.

These are very special amps and we will release all the details later this month.
If anyone is interested in auditioning them while they are either here in NY or in IL, pease let me know.

Any questions?
Design Engineer
Response Audio NY
Custom Vacuum Tube Deaign

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Re: A chance to audition the Purity PSE300B mono blocs
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2012, 02:29:23 AM »
Design specs? what transformers are used, and pictures :thumb:

System consists of an amp a preamp, 2 speakers a turntable and a phono preamp, Also some cables and power cords and a really cheap cd player.

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Re: A chance to audition the Purity PSE300B mono blocs
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2012, 01:18:25 PM »
Hey Bill -

Weren't you going to host a GTG?

Maybe this is the time?

"...if you want to enjoy your gear, don't listen to anything that might be better."

Offline Response Audio

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Re: A chance to audition the Purity PSE300B mono blocs
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2012, 02:05:30 PM »
Weren't you going to host a GTG?

We all know how well that has worked out. Besides January in NY is not the best time to plan such an event. Putting something together for a new product(s) for those with specific interest makes more sense. This is not an 'inexpensive' system as the setup would be either the Ultra Series 2 or Silver Statement Series 2 linestage and the amplifiers which represents close to $50k in just those two components.

TBD - Ballbark of $24K pr. with a much less expensive version also becoming available.

Design specs?

The web page will be published soon

what transformers are used,

 :drool: This is one of the key features that will set these apart from others. We had custom transformers designed and made for us that are the first of it's kind. I can tell you they are a Amorphous C-Core design.  More on these later.

and pictures

Just waiting for our production chassis to be completed.
Design Engineer
Response Audio NY
Custom Vacuum Tube Deaign