Sometime last year I found a good deal on a second Sunfire True Subwoofer Super Jr, and picked it up so I could have a pair of stereo subs instead of a single unit. It provided me with a nice improvement but at the time it did not have another TWL cord so I puller a PC from Signal Cable out of my spare stock and used that one. I had put that one on the first sub when I originally got it and remembered how much better it sounded when I upgraded it to a TWL cord and wanted to eventually do that with the second one as well. My problem was that I could not remember which TWL cord eventually made it to the sub and I needed to move the rack to be able to find the serial number on it so Pete could make me a matching one. About a month ago I finally put aside to time to move what I needed to and got the serial number. Last weekend Pete called to tell me that the matching cord was ready and I could come pick it up.
For comparison purposes I plugged both cords into the same outlet so I could easily swap them out at the sub end and evaluate to the differences. I listened for a little while and then knelt down next to the sub to swap the cords. while the music was playing I put my hand on the top of the sub to steady it while I pulled out the old cord and plugged in the TWL and was shocked at what I found. upon plugging in the TWL cord I could immediately notice the improvement, not with my ears, but rather with my fingers!!! AS soon as I plugged in the TWL cord I got a much clearer feeling of the notes. The rise times and decay were much quicker and I got a much better sense of the individual notes whereas with the Signal Cable the bass line was more of a flow between the notes as oppose to feeling each note in and of itself. I swapped the cords back and forth several times to make sure that this was actually related to the cords as opposed to just being a coincidental change in the music and got the same results each time.
Of course it is hard to tell what it sounds like when down at floor level behind the main speakers, but when I got back to the sweet spot I heard the same kind of sonic improvements that I felt with my hands (although it was not a big of an improvement as I got when I upgraded the first sub, since I had one sub TWL equipped either way, but it did fill in and balance that system nicely now that both subs are playing the same.)
I found it very interesting that I could use senses other than hearing to detect the sonic improvements gained from using TWL cords. I guess when it's good, it's good, not matter how you see it....or hear it.... or feel it.
Way to go Pete!