Author Topic: Brimar Vacuum Tubes Making a Comeback  (Read 3802 times)

Offline steve

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Brimar Vacuum Tubes Making a Comeback
« on: February 06, 2020, 02:34:19 PM »
Here is a comment concerning Brimar making a comeback.

Bill K
2 months ago
Brimar is making a comeback. The people doing it are getting the equipment and getting it working again. See, The Great British Valve Project.

Here is a link, no date except Copyright 2020.

And they have newly produced tubes for sale, buy now buttons.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2020, 07:02:17 AM by steve »
Steve Sammet (Owner, Electron Eng, SAS Audio Labs, Ret)
SAS "V" 39pf/m 6N copper ICs,
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Acutex 320 STR Mov Iron Cart
SAS 11A Perfect Tube Preamp
SAS 25 W Ref Triode/UL Monoblocks
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Offline HAL

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Re: Brimar Making a Comeback
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2020, 07:19:13 PM »
Purchased some of the new production Brimar ECC83's and EL34's from them a few years ago.

Compared the matching data with original Brimar ECC83's I have with my simple Orange VT1000 tester.  The originals matched at much higher values than the new production at the time.  About the same as current 7025 version tubes. 

The new Brimar EL34's are harder to determine as the closest I have are original Mullard EL34 xf2 style.  The original Mullard's tested at higher levels.

Will be interesting to see if newer production are testing at higher levels like the originals.   I am still using the original Brimar ECC83's in some amps that originally came with them. 

Offline Nick B

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Re: Brimar Making a Comeback
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2020, 09:09:24 PM »
Here is a comment concerning Brimar making a comeback.

Bill K
2 months ago
Brimar are making a comeback. The people doing it are getting the equipment and getting it working again. See, The Great British Valve Project.

Here is a link, no date except Copyright 2020.

And they have tubes for sale, page with copyright 2020, and a buy now. So evidently they are in business.


An enjoyable article and how wonderful that the volunteers donated their time to restore those machines. I vaguely remember some record pressing machines being restored.
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Offline steve

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Re: Brimar Making a Comeback
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2020, 08:31:46 PM »
Purchased some of the new production Brimar ECC83's and EL34's from them a few years ago.

Compared the matching data with original Brimar ECC83's I have with my simple Orange VT1000 tester.  The originals matched at much higher values than the new production at the time.  About the same as current 7025 version tubes. 

The new Brimar EL34's are harder to determine as the closest I have are original Mullard EL34 xf2 style.  The original Mullard's tested at higher levels.

Will be interesting to see if newer production are testing at higher levels like the originals.   I am still using the original Brimar ECC83's in some amps that originally came with them.

How do the new production tubes you have sound Hal? Are the 83s close?

Steve Sammet (Owner, Electron Eng, SAS Audio Labs, Ret)
SAS "V" 39pf/m 6N copper ICs,
SAS Test Phono Stage
Acutex 320 STR Mov Iron Cart
SAS 11A Perfect Tube Preamp
SAS 25 W Ref Triode/UL Monoblocks
2 way Floor Standing Test Speakers

Offline HAL

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Re: Brimar Making a Comeback
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2020, 08:12:40 AM »
They sound very good in my guitar amps.  Still have guitar amps with the original Brimar's running from the '70s.

Offline steve

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Re: Brimar Making a Comeback
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2020, 07:31:17 PM »
They sound very good in my guitar amps.  Still have guitar amps with the original Brimar's running from the '70s.

New vs NOS, an apple to apple comparison. I have just found out that at least some tubes are out sourced. I take it
that money, or equipment refurbishing are limiting factors?

« Last Edit: March 05, 2020, 01:09:48 PM by steve »
Steve Sammet (Owner, Electron Eng, SAS Audio Labs, Ret)
SAS "V" 39pf/m 6N copper ICs,
SAS Test Phono Stage
Acutex 320 STR Mov Iron Cart
SAS 11A Perfect Tube Preamp
SAS 25 W Ref Triode/UL Monoblocks
2 way Floor Standing Test Speakers