Other than Border Patrol and Audio Note any suggestions for Rethm Saadhana speakers at 100db ?
Charles, have you considered Pro Musica's 3rd generation upgrade to the Stereo ST-70? After you audition
one of those amps, you won't want a dht amplifier, and I have audition both 2nd, 3rd generation
and dht amps for some 20 years. Pro Musica blows them away in every catagory including "in touch with the music". Dan has both 2nd and 3rd generation amplifier with his LS3/5As, Harbeths etc and virtually nothing touches them.
Just something to check out, if you can find one, if you get a chance.
Did a search and couldn’t find anything on a Pro Musica ST 70 mod. Can you provide a link?
Pro Musica retired, or the guys at least separated some years ago. Difficult to find an amp, Dan found one just a few months ago and immediately snapped it up. So it may be very difficult to find one since few sell theirs.
Don't mean to be a jerkish, just that if you find one, and it works, buy it. Even if a transformer is bad, you may be able to find a used tranny to repair it.
My amps were more accurate, but I never had a descent chassis that looked good and could reliably ship, nor nice looking trannies. That is why I mainly stuck to pre-amplifiers. UPS is nortorious for damaging products, FedEx seems a little better.
DHL was by far the best when they were around.