Thanks for the reply.

I should have included more information in my question. Under 'normal' circumstances, I would not dwell over whether this or that tube made much difference <not much of a tube roller>. However, in the last year or so, I bought several pairs and/or quads of tubes as back up tubes in case a tube goes bad on me. Some of them I bought from you, Don; some from eBay; some from The Tube Guy, and one pair from PSVane. Anyway, I find myself with multiple pairs of slightly different flavors of 6SN7 tubes, and two quads of different KT88 tubes.
Without intending to, I've made it possible for me to roll tubes, which prompted my asking you about the three 6SN7 tubes in the Kootenay 120 amp.
My new Model 2 is probably well burned in now. I've lost count of how many hours it's at, but it's well in excess of 100. Just yesterday, I was mesmerized while listening to some Classical piano music. I'm so enjoying the music the preamp/amp combo is producing that I haven't bothered to switch over to my 'summertime' solid state amp.
I still haven't bothered to compare the old and new preamps. In fact, I loaned the old one out to Alan to put in his system for a while. His comment upon adding it to his system, "
Dammmmm, what a difference."