To that, I say/write (again), "bolderdash".
If I were at your place, using your gear/system, and I finger tight the connections, you will not hear a difference (all else equal) if you tighten further.
If you don't believe me and remain as obstinate as you are, ...
Why is it so necessary to be rude. You've made your point that you don't agree with him. That's as far as you need go. Clearly you don't think it matters... to your ears on your system
I've stopped telling people what they hear on their systems.
C'mon. It's Christmas. Peace.
Christmas 🎄. True that.
By the way I'm not telling anybody what they *claim* they can or cannot hear on their system. Instead, I'm in this case willing to wager that they cannot hear what they ( in this case Steve specifically) claims he can hear.
The name of the science I'm speaking of is referred to as "science of legal tender".
That particular science has an uncanny way of separating fiction from nonfiction. And, let's face it, as much as audiophilia is a hobby, it's also a business (albeit not for all).
At this stage of the thread, I'm interested in the business portion of it. Sorry if that comes across as "rude".
So far no PM.
EDIT: oh and S Clark, "peace" is something I practice and celebrate every day, not just Christmas.
The shilling possibility appears to be much more in your corner.
I have been retired, no manufacturing, for 10+ years. You have reviews somewhat prominent on
your website.
I have recommended competitors products such as Herron, Ultra-verve, Belles Refernce 350 amp.
I have no affiliation with them.
You have only recommended the components in Your system.
I have not had a website up for years. You have a large website with reviews of your
components somewhat prominent.
I have nothing to gain since I have not manufactured pre and amps for more than 10 years.
You have advertised, in no uncertain terms, that your 10K system beats 100k systems.
I would say gdhal, you are way ahead of me with the possibility of shilling.
The "science of legal tender" he mentions is nothing more than dbt/abx testing,
possibly measurements which he has stated in several strings, including a deleted string.
His understanding of electronics is virtually zero, as evidenced of his continued evading
of any scientific answers, and asking the same questions over and over because of is lack
of understanding.
If you really want peace, you could have left the string after agreeing to disagree.