Author Topic: WTB Dynaco st 70  (Read 10515 times)

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Re: WTB Dynaco st 70
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2022, 04:40:31 PM »
I,m not Jewish but if I was and I was getting married, I would ask the rabbi if it was OK to smash an el34 instead of a glass!

The Ifi phono pre is very good , I bought one for my son and I think it sounds great.
That SW1X gear intrigues me very much. I had heard a couple AudioNote Dac kits and they sounded great, these SW1X things look like those kits reimagined in a new chassis, and new price. I could be wrong. I hope not as I am buying a couple AudioNote kits for my son to build so I am hoping they are as good or close to the SW1x stuff.

System: Nothing....gave it all up, but building a few things for my kids...vinyl, tubes and Gan Fet!

Offline P.I.

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Re: WTB Dynaco st 70
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2022, 10:29:59 PM »
well michael while you were secreted away fighting foreign wars  to save the planet I was waiting for you to find those magic el34 tubes I need for the dynaco amp I do not have yet. It seems like synergy in reverse, and I like that!
I will wait the six months for you to come back safe and sound and I may buy those tubes for the amp that I may buy as well
and if I do not and you sell them to someone else or use them in a jewish wedding ceremony and smash them under your shoe....well that is fine too! If i win the lottery I will remarry my wife and smash a 300b western electric tube under my loafers, even though I am not Jewish , I find the tradition! and my wife will wonder if remarrying to me was (is) a good idea.   come home soon......we need you


BTW my wife says she hates tubes, that means they are good!

That's an interesting note about Jewish weddings. I've never attended one, but I do recall reading that they smash something under their feet. Are chalices or glasses the norm? Does anyone actually use tubes? Am I proving myself naive?  :D

BTW , I have heard the Sw1x phono and was extremely impressed
that you have the Dac makes me take off my hat(reveal my thinning hair) to you good sir!
Seems like gussied up AudioNoteKit stuff but done real well


I've often wondered about Slawa's phono pres, but with just 35 LPs to my name and a cheap used TT, my needs are satisfied by an inexpensive iFi phono pre.

After looking at the gear list in my signature, I realized I haven't changed it to reflect a change from about 2 months ago. As much as I love the DAC III+, I'd sometimes wondered what the DAC III Balanced (or even the DAC IV) sounds like, but figured I'd never find out thanks to their high cost. [The DAC III BAL retails for ~$13,200 plus shipping.] A nice gentleman in Orange County, CA placed his barely used DAC III BAL/SPL model in an Agon ad, and I happened to notice it after just a few hours of his placing the ad. His asking price indicated there was an issue or that it was a fake ad, so I hesitated for all of a few hours. I contacted him to see if he was real, and after a couple of conversations, I determined he was real. Anyway, I made an impulse buy because <in my mind> I would never find a great deal like this again. I'm now the proud <and somewhat stunned> owner of the DAC III BAL/SPL model.

And yes, I'd already ordered a Holo Spring3 KTE w/vc which was delivered just a week or two after my new SW1X DAC was delivered.  :drool: :rofl: :shock: I'm up to my eyeballs in wonderful sounding DACs.

The new DAC is so amazing that it makes its little brother sound flat and lifeless.  :shock: That was a shock because little brother sounds (sounded) wonderful in my system before big brother arrived.
Sucks to be you with all of those choices!  :rofl:  :thumb:
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline Nick B

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Re: WTB Dynaco st 70
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2022, 01:03:50 AM »
well michael while you were secreted away fighting foreign wars  to save the planet I was waiting for you to find those magic el34 tubes I need for the dynaco amp I do not have yet. It seems like synergy in reverse, and I like that!
I will wait the six months for you to come back safe and sound and I may buy those tubes for the amp that I may buy as well
and if I do not and you sell them to someone else or use them in a jewish wedding ceremony and smash them under your shoe....well that is fine too! If i win the lottery I will remarry my wife and smash a 300b western electric tube under my loafers, even though I am not Jewish , I find the tradition! and my wife will wonder if remarrying to me was (is) a good idea.   come home soon......we need you


BTW my wife says she hates tubes, that means they are good!

That's an interesting note about Jewish weddings. I've never attended one, but I do recall reading that they smash something under their feet. Are chalices or glasses the norm? Does anyone actually use tubes? Am I proving myself naive?  :D

BTW , I have heard the Sw1x phono and was extremely impressed
that you have the Dac makes me take off my hat(reveal my thinning hair) to you good sir!
Seems like gussied up AudioNoteKit stuff but done real well


I've often wondered about Slawa's phono pres, but with just 35 LPs to my name and a cheap used TT, my needs are satisfied by an inexpensive iFi phono pre.

After looking at the gear list in my signature, I realized I haven't changed it to reflect a change from about 2 months ago. As much as I love the DAC III+, I'd sometimes wondered what the DAC III Balanced (or even the DAC IV) sounds like, but figured I'd never find out thanks to their high cost. [The DAC III BAL retails for ~$13,200 plus shipping.] A nice gentleman in Orange County, CA placed his barely used DAC III BAL/SPL model in an Agon ad, and I happened to notice it after just a few hours of his placing the ad. His asking price indicated there was an issue or that it was a fake ad, so I hesitated for all of a few hours. I contacted him to see if he was real, and after a couple of conversations, I determined he was real. Anyway, I made an impulse buy because <in my mind> I would never find a great deal like this again. I'm now the proud <and somewhat stunned> owner of the DAC III BAL/SPL model.

And yes, I'd already ordered a Holo Spring3 KTE w/vc which was delivered just a week or two after my new SW1X DAC was delivered.  :drool: :rofl: :shock: I'm up to my eyeballs in wonderful sounding DACs.

The new DAC is so amazing that it makes its little brother sound flat and lifeless.  :shock: That was a shock because little brother sounds (sounded) wonderful in my system before big brother arrived.

Wow, dac mania! Having choices is good 🎶
Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
Hattor Big preamp
JMR Voce Grande speakers
Holo Cyan2 dac
Holo Red streamer
Spiritual Sound silver/gold
digital coax and interconnects
TWL Digital American II p cord
Audio Envy p cords
Roon, Tidal, Qobuz
PI Audio UberBUSS