Author Topic: HT upgrade  (Read 12976 times)

Offline stereofool

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HT upgrade
« on: April 27, 2010, 07:35:15 AM »
Well, I was sitting around Sunday afternoon and noticing all of the dust-bunnies behind my HT rig, and thinking hmmmm maybe I should vacuum behind there (being single makes this an 'option'  :lol:).

SO, I pulled gear rack out and proceeded to actually attack the dust-bunnies. Once there I got this 'crazy' idea of switching out all of the audio cabling. I had been using a variety of cables (Audio Analysis, LAT, Signal Cable), which I had in my (overflowing) cable 'box'. Next, I remembered that I had been acquiring enough JPS cabling to make the switch. Fast forward an hour, after unhooking all of the old stuff and installing all of the JPS stuff.

Mind you, this was just JPS's entry level Ultraconductor/Ultraconductor 2 cable. An amazing transformation ensued  :shock:! The system actually sounded much louder, but with extreme clarity and definition  8). Thus, what started as a small attempt at doing 'some' house cleaning, has turned into a fortuitous and happy improvement in HT enjoyment.

This experience just confirms (to me) how much bang-for-your-buck JPS can provide, even with their entry level cables...especially since I picked up all of these cables used...for a big savings  :thumb:.
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Offline richidoo

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Re: HT upgrade
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2010, 09:14:01 AM »
I've been totally satisfied after replacing various Grovers with UC1. Carl lent me a UC2 he was not using, it's even better. You can get these used for $60-100/m, or brand new MSRP is only 200/meter, same price as Grover, and no upgraditis.

SC3 is still obviously "better" whenever I hear it, more detail, more bass, more magic, very emotionally stimulating and technically excellent. But to be honest, it is also more challenging. The gear must be up to it, and you need to be prepared for a detail and dynamics joy ride. In a direct comparison, SC3 wins, but I find that intense audio quality distracts me from the connection to the music in the long term. I keep thinking "OMG that sounds so beautiful," which is fun, but it breaks the momentum of the song. So I've grown accustomed to the UC2 which gives the calm controlled JPS satisfaction with plenty of musical detail but less wizbang.

Since you already had it "in stock" Steve, sounds like an awesome upgrade!

Offline rollo

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Re: HT upgrade
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2010, 09:17:37 AM »
  One of the best experiences one can have. It is amazing to me how many times a minor thing as cleaning brought forth the idea. Best part you owned them already :thumb:.
    Sometimes you will also find that the footer, or other tweak you did not like before all of a sudden now makes a difference. Cool man enjoy!!!!

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Offline Carlman

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Re: HT upgrade
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2010, 07:27:49 AM »
I had the same reaction as Rich to the UC2.. I 'get' the music better than most other cables.  It reminds me of why I like the Audience Au24's... but at half the price it's a no-brainer.

Glad you had such a good experience, Steve.. hope you got sucked into a great flick after doing the swap... I know I always do when I 'test' the HT. ;)

I really enjoy listening to music.

Offline mfsoa

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Re: HT upgrade
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2010, 08:19:07 AM »
I keep thinking "OMG that sounds so beautiful," which is fun, but it breaks the momentum of the song

Change "sounds" to "looks" and "song" to "movie" and this is what happened to me watching Transformers for the first time the other night  :drool:  But I didn't mind so much...   :thumb:


Offline Barry (NJ)

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Re: HT upgrade
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2010, 05:28:49 AM »
Mike, try watching "Avatar", it's by far the best picture and sound I've experienced on a Blu-Ray.

Now to see about getting some JPS cables for myself...
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Offline mfsoa

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Re: HT upgrade
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2010, 08:21:10 AM »
Didn't see Avatar in the theater but am looking forward to it at home


Deton Nation

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Re: HT upgrade
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2010, 11:28:35 AM »
Great movie. Smoke it up!