Author Topic: Fun with old subwoofer drivers and Magnepan LRS speakers  (Read 3025 times)

Offline HAL

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Fun with old subwoofer drivers and Magnepan LRS speakers
« on: October 30, 2024, 11:03:13 AM »
A friend sent me one AV123 UFW-12 sub driver awhile back after he made upgrades to his drivers.

It drops in and screws down into one of the modular 1x12 H-Frames, so decided to give it a try.

Got a used pair of Magnepan LRS for use and with the new MagnaRisers AERO stands, the sub works well to add height to the planars for vertical orientation.   Puts the center about ear height for listening.  I can use the dspNexus 2/8 for the sub to LRS crossover to remove LF info from the planars that helps with power handling. 

This is a prototype since I only have the one driver, but I know others exist.  :)

Fun stuff.

Offline Nick B

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Re: Fun with old subwoofer drivers and Magnepan LRS speakers
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2024, 11:53:12 AM »
Interesting experiment, Rich 👍
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Offline HAL

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Re: Fun with old subwoofer drivers and Magnepan LRS speakers
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2024, 02:50:42 AM »
Yes, have something now to try at CAF2024 with a pair of subs for the LRS for sub stands.

These are the GR-Research SW-12-16FR drivers without the servo amp in the modular open baffle H-Frames.  I have EQ'd them to use in the OB H-Frames instead with the dspNexus 2/8. 

The system has a crossover between the LRS and sub.  No time delay needed with the LRS sitting on the sub. 

The new Magna Risers AERO stands on the LRS put them at listening height for vertical speaker orientation.


Offline Nick B

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Re: Fun with old subwoofer drivers and Magnepan LRS speakers
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2024, 02:12:29 PM »
Yes, have something now to try at CAF2024 with a pair of subs for the LRS for sub stands.

These are the GR-Research SW-12-16FR drivers without the servo amp in the modular open baffle H-Frames.  I have EQ'd them to use in the OB H-Frames instead with the dspNexus 2/8. 

The system has a crossover between the LRS and sub.  No time delay needed with the LRS sitting on the sub. 

The new Magna Risers AERO stands on the LRS put them at listening height for vertical speaker orientation.


Thanks Rich. I have L12 Rythmik subs, but have hardly used them. I'm curious if you can hear a significant difference with servo vs non servo

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Offline HAL

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Re: Fun with old subwoofer drivers and Magnepan LRS speakers
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2024, 05:24:49 PM »
The servo amps allow the subs to play lower in frequency and lower in distortion with the cone motion feedback system and current amp output.

The problem is that the Rythmik Audio A370 and latest Rythmik Audio HX310 servo amps when it is available only go to 120Hz cutoff.  I need the HX300 200Hz cutoff to work with the LM10n planars, so I need to do something else instead.  Might as well start from scratch with different ideas.

Offline Nick B

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Re: Fun with old subwoofer drivers and Magnepan LRS speakers
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2024, 11:26:45 PM »
The servo amps allow the subs to play lower in frequency and lower in distortion with the cone motion feedback system and current amp output.

The problem is that the Rythmik Audio A370 and latest Rythmik Audio HX310 servo amps when it is available only go to 120Hz cutoff.  I need the HX300 200Hz cutoff to work with the LM10n planars, so I need to do something else instead.  Might as well start from scratch with different ideas.

Thanks, Rich. Playing a bit lower wouldn't be important to me, but playing with less distortion would.
Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
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Offline HAL

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Re: Fun with old subwoofer drivers and Magnepan LRS speakers
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2024, 04:42:10 AM »
Knowing the UFW-12 and SW-12-16FR sub drivers, the UFW-12 without the servo would have possibly lower distortion.

It has a higher xmax excursion limit, so more linear travel over the same distance. 

Since they both fit the same H-Frame module cabinet, easy to check.