Group Therapy > Audio Syndrome NY
January 2018 Meeting Notice
The January Meeting will be held at the East Meadow home of Andy Dubitsky on Friday the 26th.
From Andy- We've got bunches of new records and really clean
good sounding older pressings. There are still digital holdouts in the club, as well as many of us who think LPs provide sound closer to the original performance than CDs - despite advantages of standard CDs in terms of dynamic range (mostly unused on CDs) and bass response. Many older LPs were pressed with roll-offs starting at 100Hz, to avoid confusion with rumble and to get more time per side. Most systems in the 60s could not get to 50Hz, due to speakers, cartridges, wimpy tube power supplies etc.
New LPs show that cartridges can dig out the lowest notes without jumping out of the grooves. Old LPs are revealing highs and lows that we could not hear 50 years ago, despite our younger ears.
I am inviting you to bring your best sounding, cleanest, favorite LPs. Re-issues, minty originals, new issues welcome.
Future Meetings:
February - the Massapequa home of Lorenzo D.
March - the Woodhaven home of Ernie N.
April - open and May open (possibly Grep P.)
June- the Forest Hills home of Mel G.
Doors open at 7:30 with the formal meeting starting around 8:00.
As usual, you’re encouraged to bring a libation or desert of your choosing. See you all there.
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