Group Therapy > Audio Syndrome NY

Expensive Audio Equipment

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During our most recent meeting we discussed the high prices of equipment and the question came up "how many can they sell at that price?"
Well Bugatti just sold out of it's model Divo car. Granted only 40 were made, but they are 5.8 million each. Hell if they can sell 40 cars at 6 mil apiece then audio manufacturers should be able to sell lots of equipment at relatively high prices. I know, cars are more universally sought after than audio equipment... just a thought lol. :thumb:

  As a dealer who sells expensive and non expensive gear the answer is plenty. Does one need the most expensive components to enjoy their music ?? No. However when heard properly set up the difference is there. Is it worth the difference ? To some yes to some no. Personal choice and finances available. Some can some cannot, that is life.
  That is why the manufacturers we represent offer lines that go up in price/performance. Meaning entry level to statement products.
   Some may suggest that the difference is small and not worth the extra money. To some yes to others no.  IMO where the prices have impacted "High End" the most are products that have not offered much in improvement of previous designs amps, cables, preamp and speakers. Class "D", chip amps are among the few advancements in audio. Some are really good like Arion HS500 however do not equal Lamm amps as an example.
  We can demo the line of Aqua DAC's and prove the improvement in sound as we up the line. So we leave it to the consumer as to what they buy. That simple.
  Hey I'll never beat out that Ferrari with my souped up Honda but saved lots of money.


James Edward:
I have always said if I had an incredible amount of money, I’d pour a lot of it into higher end stereo equipment. But us more secluded aspirational audio guys are a rare lot...
The problem comparing cars vs audio, in my opinion, is that cars offer more bang for the buck when it comes to an ostentatious display of wealth. And that, if I may be so bold as to say, is what drives (pun intended) high ticket auto sales. You can have the finest audio system in the land, and never be able to have a “look at me” moment out in public.
Just an observation.

James Edward:
On a more logical note, there may be those buying the ultra expensive automobile as an investment. They certainly have a better shot at appreciation than audio equipment.


--- Quote from: James Edward on October 05, 2018, 03:33:58 AM ---On a more logical note, there may be those buying the ultra expensive automobile as an investment. They certainly have a better shot at appreciation than audio equipment.

--- End quote ---

  Maybe. NOS tubes can cost up to 4K a pair that cost $1 back in the day. Vintage drivers such as Altec Lansing, Tannoy can fetch 5K or more a pair. Recently a pair sold for 12K.
  See ya soon.



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