Group Therapy > Audio Syndrome NY

No Interst in Contributing or Posting from Club Secretary or Members ????

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--- Quote from: Folsom on February 28, 2020, 12:20:10 AM ---I could delete it. But I'd think it would be great if members posted!

--- End quote ---

 Agreed Folsom lets see if we get some action still hoping just got frustrated.


Barry (NJ):

Don't go to at meetings and ask them to post here. Send an email to your group with a topic of discussion in the subject, but instead of writing out the details in the email body, include a link to a thread here that you've already started.

This way they are led here, rather than directed here ;)

  Good idea however we are not allowed to use our club mailing list.  :roll: :(


Barry (NJ):

--- Quote from: rollo on February 28, 2020, 10:58:58 AM ---  Good idea however we are not allowed to use our club mailing list.  :roll: :(

--- End quote ---

So club members can't communicate with the whole group via email?
Only officers are allowed to reach out to the club as a whole?
No wonder these groups are floundering...

James Edward:
I mean no rancor or disrespect, but I post somewhat regularly on AudioNervosa, and the only thing that led me here was being made aware that the 'Syndrome' circle existed. Thank you Charles.
My topics almost always are such that I want input/feedback, etc., from the entire AN community. If I post a question about a turntable, speaker, etc., in the 'Syndrome' circle, it most likely limits who will answer. However, if I want to talk s*** about tmazz with those who know him, I would post it in the 'Syndrome' circle.  :rofl:


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