I’m in the market for a new cartridge, and have been doing a lot of reading. As an older geezer, I’ve had tables and cartridges, though never paid attention to the cartridge compliance/arm mass compatibility until now. It’s really an interesting topic, and I just thought I’d bring it up here for discussion.
I’ve got a decent, though far from exotic, turntable that sports a low mass, 6 gram arm. This dictates a high compliance cartridge. There are a number of reasons for this, and the converse- a high mass arm would dictate a low compliance cart. I’m not going to go into detail, as I’m no expert, but it bears looking into if you’re shopping for a new cartridge.
This knowledge was spurred on by an article I read a year or so ago, having to do with the resonant frequency of particular arm mass vs cartridge compliance.
I’m just throwing this out there for discussion- it seems not well discussed- I don’t recall any table I’ve purchased having this brought up in the manual. To be fair, this may widespread knowledge that I just haven’t been privy to.
My current table is not all that high-end, but I don’t remember the VPI Prime nor the SOTA Comet providing this guidance. Maybe I’m wrong…
FWIW, armed with this new info, I’m getting the high compliance version of the Soundsmith Otello; thanks ‘Tmazz’ for doing the sleuthing and getting me the arm specs for my table.