« on: August 04, 2013, 03:17:26 PM »
Up for sale is my Acoustat TNT 200 in excellent condition. It has a short term power rating of 275 per channel into 8 ohms!!! Hi damping factor and a very good hi end since Acoustat designed this amp to be able to drive electrostatics (which aren't forgiving). Stainless steel front really beautiful. The only reason I am selling is I bought a powered sub and I don't need it any more. I have original manual and shipping container. It weights 40lbs and the box is 22 1/2 x 19 x 9 and buyer pays shipping. $650. I have plenty of pictures wasn't sure how to post here. just pm me and I'll email them.

Rogue RP7 Pre, Art Audio Vinyl Reference Phono,CJ Premier 12 Pwr, VPI Classic II/Dynavector 20X2L, Roon Rock, Auralic Vega DAC, Emotiva ERC-3, MIT, TWL, WireWorld, Wywires, Shunyata