Thanks for the Brownie, it was delicious

I'll admit that few will have any interest in this clip but it has a personal story: Cobham has been my favorite drummer for more than 40 years now, and is responsible for helping to usher in a huge change in the role of the drum kit.
Shabazz was the first album I ever purchased. Played the hell out of it and have it burned into my brain. The album was lost long ago and I hadn't heard it in decades...
...Until I stumble across this video, which is a vid of the actual concert that the LP was made from! I had no idea that a video existed, and having lost the album had thought that I'd never hear this again. So to find a video of my long=lost first album of the most important musician in my life - well, I was excited, anyway.
(Maybe Bob M my fellow fusion-head might like this - some cool early synth stuff)