Author Topic: WHY and What are you Listening to?  (Read 66191 times)

Offline Guy 13

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Re: WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2019, 10:31:25 PM »
You Tube is a great source to listen to music, even if it's not the best reproduction.  Posting about You Tube fits in fine here. 

But what I had hoped for out of this thread is that you add more than just a narcissistic "I'm listening to XYZ" - which is of limited interest to others.   If you add something, why you like it, what's special about it, how it fits your mood, etc...
then you have a post worth reading.  Please take the time to tell us why it's what you're listening to. Don't just post a link.

Hi S Clark.
In my post, I didn't write everything you mentionned,
however, I did mention that I like Elvis smooth voice.
What I can add to justified '' WHY '' I like Elvis Presley singing is :
The tyrics, words of his song,
in addition I like all the type of songs has has recored
it got some magic in it, don't you agree ?
I am sure I am not the only one that like his style of music,
he sold millions of vinyl, so many other Elvis fans think like me.
What's more is that with '' You Tube '' in addition to the music,
you can see how he moves, dance
and how handsome he is
and I am not gay the appreciate the good looking of a man like him.
Paul Newman and Richard Gere were also nice looking.
Because I don't have any vinyl of Elvis,
I thought it was a good idea to post a link of one of his most memorable song.
Did I forget something ?
Is this better ? ? ?
Look like this topic is a bit too difficult for me to fullfil all the requirements.

Guy 13
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Offline tmazz

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Re: WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2019, 11:09:35 PM »
Here is something that is a particular fav of mine:

Vivaldi: The Four Seasons -  Societa Corelli

RCA Living Stereo LP (Shaded Dog)

This relatively unknown Living Stereo LP (LSC-2424) is one of my favorites from the RCA  Shaded Dog era.

Most classical recordings are done in a full size concert hall and strive to replicate  the experience of being there. We often hear them reviewed in terms of how when you can get a sense of the hall in terms of hearing the walls  and getting a feel of the space they are playing in. This even applies to small groups like a string quartets who although they are small groups usually perform in large venues if for not reason than they can get more paying customers into them.

But chamber music back when it was written was originally meant to be played in the homes of the rich patrons who commissioned the works, or at least supported the artists. What intrigues me so much about this recording is that it replicates that original intent in my listening room. The image it portrays is not one of a group playing on a stage, but rather four musicians entertaining me in my own living room. The size of the instruments and their spacing across the soundstage is exactly what I would expect to hear if they were sitting in four chairs right across from me. Instead of a "you are there" presentation, this album gives you a clearer sense of "they are here." If I close my eyes it is almost kind of spooky.

My copy is an original first pressing of this album (1S/1S for those familiar with the matrix codes on this series), but I was very excited to ear that Analogue Productions has this one slated as one of their next series of reissues from the RCA vaults. I will be very interested to see how a new modern mastering and pressing compares to the image I get from the original.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 11:12:14 PM by tmazz »
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Offline Folsom

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Re: WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2019, 02:22:56 AM »
You Tube is a great source to listen to music, even if it's not the best reproduction.  Posting about You Tube fits in fine here. 

But what I had hoped for out of this thread is that you add more than just a narcissistic "I'm listening to XYZ" - which is of limited interest to others.   If you add something, why you like it, what's special about it, how it fits your mood, etc...
then you have a post worth reading.  Please take the time to tell us why it's what you're listening to. Don't just post a link.

Hi S Clark.
In my post, I didn't write everything you mentionned,
however, I did mention that I like Elvis smooth voice.
What I can add to justified '' WHY '' I like Elvis Presley singing is :
The tyrics, words of his song,
in addition I like all the type of songs has has recored
it got some magic in it, don't you agree ?
I am sure I am not the only one that like his style of music,
he sold millions of vinyl, so many other Elvis fans think like me.
What's more is that with '' You Tube '' in addition to the music,
you can see how he moves, dance
and how handsome he is
and I am not gay the appreciate the good looking of a man like him.
Paul Newman and Richard Gere were also nice looking.
Because I don't have any vinyl of Elvis,
I thought it was a good idea to post a link of one of his most memorable song.
Did I forget something ?
Is this better ? ? ?
Look like this topic is a bit too difficult for me to fullfil all the requirements.

Guy 13

Now that's on topic, it's not just like a FaceBook update that says so and so listened to X band and song Y. Scott made the topic so we'll elaborate some on what the music means to us, what we find interesting.

Offline Nick B

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Re: WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2019, 07:44:30 AM »
Here is something that is a particular fav of mine:

Vivaldi: The Four Seasons -  Societa Corelli

RCA Living Stereo LP (Shaded Dog)

This relatively unknown Living Stereo LP (LSC-2424) is one of my favorites from the RCA  Shaded Dog era.

Most classical recordings are done in a full size concert hall and strive to replicate  the experience of being there. We often hear them reviewed in terms of how when you can get a sense of the hall in terms of hearing the walls  and getting a feel of the space they are playing in. This even applies to small groups like a string quartets who although they are small groups usually perform in large venues if for not reason than they can get more paying customers into them.

But chamber music back when it was written was originally meant to be played in the homes of the rich patrons who commissioned the works, or at least supported the artists. What intrigues me so much about this recording is that it replicates that original intent in my listening room. The image it portrays is not one of a group playing on a stage, but rather four musicians entertaining me in my own living room. The size of the instruments and their spacing across the soundstage is exactly what I would expect to hear if they were sitting in four chairs right across from me. Instead of a "you are there" presentation, this album gives you a clearer sense of "they are here." If I close my eyes it is almost kind of spooky.

My copy is an original first pressing of this album (1S/1S for those familiar with the matrix codes on this series), but I was very excited to ear that Analogue Productions has this one slated as one of their next series of reissues from the RCA vaults. I will be very interested to see how a new modern mastering and pressing compares to the image I get from the original.

Thanks, Tom. Very interesting...great post
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Offline S Clark

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Re: WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2019, 03:15:24 PM »
That 4 seasons is one of the best.  RCA LSC 2424 is rated at the top by James Mitchell (probably THE authority on the great RCA years).  A 1s1s copy... those are hard to come by.  I've got NM 1s3s copy that I'll put on this evening and listen for hall ambience.  I can't find the recording engineer or the performance venue.  My notes say "TAS worthy".  This lp is kind of an overlooked gem.  There's a NM 1s3s on Discogs right now for $16+5 shipping.  For a high quality original, that's a steal. 
« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 03:19:09 PM by S Clark »
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Offline James Edward

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Re: WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2019, 03:36:31 PM »
You Tube is a great source to listen to music, even if it's not the best reproduction.  Posting about You Tube fits in fine here. 

But what I had hoped for out of this thread is that you add more than just a narcissistic "I'm listening to XYZ" - which is of limited interest to others.   If you add something, why you like it, what's special about it, how it fits your mood, etc...
then you have a post worth reading.  Please take the time to tell us why it's what you're listening to. Don't just post a link.

Hi S Clark.
In my post, I didn't write everything you mentionned,
however, I did mention that I like Elvis smooth voice.
What I can add to justified '' WHY '' I like Elvis Presley singing is :
The tyrics, words of his song,
in addition I like all the type of songs has has recored
it got some magic in it, don't you agree ?
I am sure I am not the only one that like his style of music,
he sold millions of vinyl, so many other Elvis fans think like me.
What's more is that with '' You Tube '' in addition to the music,
you can see how he moves, dance
and how handsome he is
and I am not gay the appreciate the good looking of a man like him.
Paul Newman and Richard Gere were also nice looking.
Because I don't have any vinyl of Elvis,
I thought it was a good idea to post a link of one of his most memorable song.
Did I forget something ?
Is this better ? ? ?
Look like this topic is a bit too difficult for me to fullfil all the requirements.

Guy 13
I agree Guy. I'll stick to the more freeform threads.
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Offline S Clark

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Re: WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2019, 05:00:39 PM »
Good grief.  All I asked is that you put something more interesting than"  I'm listening to ABBA.  Here's the album cover."
As far as I'm concerned, Guy's post was fine, he told how he liked the tone of Presley's voice.  That's enough. 
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Offline Guy 13

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WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2019, 05:02:42 PM »
You Tube is a great source to listen to music, even if it's not the best reproduction.  Posting about You Tube fits in fine here. 

But what I had hoped for out of this thread is that you add more than just a narcissistic "I'm listening to XYZ" - which is of limited interest to others.   If you add something, why you like it, what's special about it, how it fits your mood, etc...
then you have a post worth reading.  Please take the time to tell us why it's what you're listening to. Don't just post a link.

Hi S Clark.
In my post, I didn't write everything you mentionned,
however, I did mention that I like Elvis smooth voice.
What I can add to justified '' WHY '' I like Elvis Presley singing is :
The tyrics, words of his song,
in addition I like all the type of songs has has recored
it got some magic in it, don't you agree ?
I am sure I am not the only one that like his style of music,
he sold millions of vinyl, so many other Elvis fans think like me.
What's more is that with '' You Tube '' in addition to the music,
you can see how he moves, dance
and how handsome he is
and I am not gay the appreciate the good looking of a man like him.
Paul Newman and Richard Gere were also nice looking.
Because I don't have any vinyl of Elvis,
I thought it was a good idea to post a link of one of his most memorable song.
Did I forget something ?
Is this better ? ? ?
Look like this topic is a bit too difficult for me to fullfil all the requirements.

Guy 13
I agree Guy. I'll stick to the more freeform threads.

Thanks James.
... and S. Clark, tmazz and other for their support.
I was knock out of my computer's chair reading one comment,
(Yes, I do exagerate... with words)
now I am trying to get back on it, will take a few days,
before I come back here to cruising speed.

Guy 13.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 05:39:59 PM by Guy 13 »
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Offline Guy 13

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WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2019, 05:08:19 PM »
Hi all.
I am relatively new here on Audio Nervosa,
I sure don't want to start a third world war with my posts.
I will wait a little for the dust to settle down,
then if you still want me to post,
I will do it with upmost pleasure.
I sure don't want to be a pain in the neck for all of you nice guys.

Guy 13.

In the future, I will try to avoid comments on topics that ca generate tsunami.
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Offline Nick B

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Re: WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2019, 09:20:03 PM »
I’m glad you are here and I enjoy your posts and pictures! This forum usually is a fun and peaceful place. Sometimes things happen and I hope we can all go on as usual.
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Offline S Clark

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Re: WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #25 on: October 10, 2019, 11:06:03 PM »

I'll add a few observations.  First, just about everyone knows Vivaldi's 4 Seasons.  Like Tmazz said, this is not the full orchestra, but a 13 string ensemble, the Societa Corelli.  These recordings are great for having an instrument appear and hang in space.  Detail is stunning, and the attack of each note of a trill is precise and clean. Violins have weight as well as just singing a line.  Cellos and Bass reverberate as only wood can. The performance is personal, as perhaps in a larger room with a number of dinner guest.  Occasional hints of depth indicate something of ball room size, but certainly no symphony hall. 
Main thing-  these instruments just jump out in their realism. 
As to Analogue Productions reissue, I have high hopes.  However, I have several Classic Recording reissues of some of the great shaded dogs, and although the vinyl is cleaner, their engineers don't capture the magic that the top three RCA engineers of the late 50's and 60's.  The bar is high for AP to match the brilliance of this original pressing.   
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Offline Guy 13

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WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2019, 05:27:56 AM »
Hi all.
Today I've listen to a CD of '' Animusic '' the track is called : Pipe dream.
What I like about that kind of electronic - computer generated music
is what I call '' High resolution '' even instruments and sound is so clear.
Bass is deep and sound real.
All the instruments can be clearly heard, well seperated.
It's like you want, while listening to the music, to discover (New) sounds,
each sound of instrument is a joy for the ears.
Of course, you have to like that kind of music to appreciate it,
if you are looking for sound of real instruments, then don't loose you time there.
One other thing that you might like is the power of the music,
like it can fill a opera house.
Have a listen and share what you think.
(Sorry no picture, I put the CD in blank sleeve.
I have three or four of their music CD.

Guy 13

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Offline malloy

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Re: WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2019, 06:53:21 PM »
What: A Decade of Steely Dan

A great intro to their singles. Granted, it does not contain all their best songs, but it serves as a great introduction to their music.

Why:  The outstanding musicianship on the album.  The liner notes is like a who's who of musicians: Porcaro, Purdie, Wayne Shorter, Tom Scott, Carlton, Patti Austin..!!

Of course I also listen just for the sheer irreverence of everything they do!


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Re: WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #28 on: October 16, 2019, 09:00:01 PM »
Hi all.
Today I've listen to a CD of '' Animusic '' the track is called : Pipe dream.
What I like about that kind of electronic - computer generated music
is what I call '' High resolution '' even instruments and sound is so clear.
Bass is deep and sound real.
All the instruments can be clearly heard, well seperated.
It's like you want, while listening to the music, to discover (New) sounds,
each sound of instrument is a joy for the ears.
Of course, you have to like that kind of music to appreciate it,
if you are looking for sound of real instruments, then don't loose you time there.
One other thing that you might like is the power of the music,
like it can fill a opera house.
Have a listen and share what you think.
(Sorry no picture, I put the CD in blank sleeve.
I have three or four of their music CD.

Guy 13
You really need to see the DVD or videos to fully appreciate it. 


Resonant Chamber is one of my favorites:

"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline tmazz

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Re: WHY and What are you Listening to?
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2019, 02:32:28 PM »
What: A Decade of Steely Dan

A great intro to their singles. Granted, it does not contain all their best songs, but it serves as a great introduction to their music.

Why:  The outstanding musicianship on the album.  The liner notes is like a who's who of musicians: Porcaro, Purdie, Wayne Shorter, Tom Scott, Carlton, Patti Austin..!!

Of course I also listen just for the sheer irreverence of everything they do!


Absolutely a great album. I have the MCA Masterdisc Gold version. Unfortunately it has developed a severe case of laser rot and will no long play all the way through even though there is not a single scratch on the disc.

The gold copies are not easy yo come by, especially at a reasonable price, so I will just have to be patient and my eyes open for one.

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