Author Topic: what recent changes have you made to your system?  (Read 12536 times)

Offline steve

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Re: what recent changes have you made to your system?
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2024, 04:30:34 PM »
Sorry to hear of your loss Don. My mom just died last sunday evening at 96. Will take a while to get the
equilibrium back, so hang in there my friend.

Steve Sammet (Owner, Electron Eng, SAS Audio Labs, Ret)
SAS "V" 39pf/m 6N copper ICs,
SAS Test Phono Stage
Acutex 320 STR Mov Iron Cart
SAS 11A Perfect Tube Preamp
SAS 25 W Ref Triode/UL Monoblocks
2 way Floor Standing Test Speakers

Offline Nick B

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Re: what recent changes have you made to your system?
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2024, 07:20:01 PM »

I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's passing.

Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
Hattor Big preamp
JMR Voce Grande speakers
Holo Cyan2 dac
Holo Red streamer
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PI Audio UberBUSS

Offline P.I.

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Re: what recent changes have you made to your system?
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2024, 11:10:56 AM »
Sorry to hear of your loss Don. My mom just died last sunday evening at 96. Will take a while to get the
equilibrium back, so hang in there my friend.

Losing family is unlike any other loss.  Condolences, Steve. 😔
"A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument." - Hilmar von Campe

Offline dflee

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Re: what recent changes have you made to your system?
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2024, 03:39:36 PM »
Sincere condolences Steve.
May your memories be good ones.
To a certain degree I am glad for my ignorance in audiophilia. I've got a really good sounding system
put together (to my ears anyway) and without the knowledge that a lot of you (Steve and Dave for example) have on how to make things sound better and what the innerds of a piece are made of will say in my case ignorance truly is bliss. Gotta admit I actually miss the scrutiny I got when bringing in new equipment and
her really good ear of sound. Had a piano tuner come in to work on the Mason and Hamlin grand that hasn't been touched once Shirley lost her sight to the point she couldn't read tablature. Found out it was built in
1923 and when he was done he played some on it. It reminded me that there is nothing that can compare.
All we can do is enjoy the music through whatever means possible. And ya, I hope to find that enjoyment
again. If not than I've put a great deal of money into nothing.
"Enjoy pleasure, not because it is fleeting, but because it exists at all." Sacrament, Clive Barker.

Offline steve

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Re: what recent changes have you made to your system?
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2024, 05:16:54 PM »
Thank you Gentlemen. I appreciate your friendship and prayers, especially at this time.

Music can do wonders for the soul, like a good medicine.

All the best to you, my friends.


ps. Let's get back to Nick's topic of changes.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2024, 08:29:49 PM by steve »
Steve Sammet (Owner, Electron Eng, SAS Audio Labs, Ret)
SAS "V" 39pf/m 6N copper ICs,
SAS Test Phono Stage
Acutex 320 STR Mov Iron Cart
SAS 11A Perfect Tube Preamp
SAS 25 W Ref Triode/UL Monoblocks
2 way Floor Standing Test Speakers

Offline steve

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Re: what recent changes have you made to your system?
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2024, 09:26:32 PM »
Something I changed, actually testing right now is lowering the filament voltage and checking
tube life of the JJ E88cc tube. With today's tube prices, would like to obtain maximum tube life.

Lowering filament voltage too much will cause premature tube failure. I am thinking that the
ratio of actual idling plate current vs the maximum listed in the particular tube specs will
determine how low the filament can go. However, this could be wrong due to an assumption
I am making.

A 12ax7 has a maximum plate current of 9ma while typical idle is listed as 1.2ma.
or 13.3%

A 6dj8, E88cc has typical idle plate current of 15ma while maximum of 20ma, or

Both are running the plate current and other characteristics in the linear region.

I have seen an ARC SP-3 preamp running the 12ax7 filaments nearly dark with
low filament voltage as there is plenty of reserve cathode current capability according
to the specs in the manuals.

I am testing the JJ E88cc for optimum tube life at ~8.6ma, plate current each section
or 43% of the maximum listed plate current.



Rewrote this post due to parts on hand for a small test chassis. The 11A preamp will take
much longer to evaluate while the small chassis will be on 24/7.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2024, 06:20:13 AM by steve »
Steve Sammet (Owner, Electron Eng, SAS Audio Labs, Ret)
SAS "V" 39pf/m 6N copper ICs,
SAS Test Phono Stage
Acutex 320 STR Mov Iron Cart
SAS 11A Perfect Tube Preamp
SAS 25 W Ref Triode/UL Monoblocks
2 way Floor Standing Test Speakers

Offline Nick B

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Re: what recent changes have you made to your system?
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2024, 10:52:11 AM »
Something I changed, actually testing right now is lowering the filament voltage and checking
tube life of the JJ E88cc tube. With today's tube prices, would like to obtain maximum tube life.

Lowering tube life vs filament voltage will most likely vary with descent tube type. For instance:

A 12ax7 has a maximum plate current of 9ma while typical is 1.2ma.

A 6dj8, E88cc has typical plate current of 15ma while maximum of 20ma.

Both are running the plate current and other characteristics in a nice region.

I have seen an ARC SP-3 preamp running the 12ax7 filaments nearly dark with
low filament voltage as there is plenty of reserve cathode current capability.

I am testing the JJ E88cc at low, and lower filament voltage to check for optimum
tube life. Too low and the cathode will be depleted and short life. 



Fascinating test, Steve. Keep us posted
Orchard Starkrimson Ultra amp
Hattor Big preamp
JMR Voce Grande speakers
Holo Cyan2 dac
Holo Red streamer
Spiritual Sound digital coax
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Audio Envy p cords
Roon, Tidal, Qobuz
PI Audio UberBUSS

Offline steve

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Re: what recent changes have you made to your system?
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2024, 04:44:47 PM »
This is not a truly representative test as only 1 used JJ E88cc tube with two sections,
A, B are being tested. I will have to perform more tests with more JJ E88cc tubes for
better overall accuracy but should give us a good indication. Tube has been turned
off just a couple of times so far.

Test started on 8-11-24, measurements below are from 8-15-24.
Very early on, approximately 90 hours, the tube appears stable.

I did make a change from 2 watt to dual 12 watt plate resistors on 8-11-24
for increased heat related stability. Different RL resistance values A and B
are due to availability from the old parts box.

RL A are two Mills 12 watt resistors in parallel for 7.11K ohms
RL B are two Mills 12 watt resistors in parallel for 7.71K ohms

Voltages and currents are approximates.
Filament                  5.85 volts dc

B+ voltage              142
Plate A voltage        71.8 volts
Plate B voltage        63.8 volts

Plate A current         9.86ma
Plate B current         10.13 ma         

We'll see how the tube acts over time.


« Last Edit: August 16, 2024, 12:17:31 PM by steve »
Steve Sammet (Owner, Electron Eng, SAS Audio Labs, Ret)
SAS "V" 39pf/m 6N copper ICs,
SAS Test Phono Stage
Acutex 320 STR Mov Iron Cart
SAS 11A Perfect Tube Preamp
SAS 25 W Ref Triode/UL Monoblocks
2 way Floor Standing Test Speakers