Author Topic: Burning through Phone data  (Read 6554 times)

Offline S Clark

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Burning through Phone data
« on: December 24, 2021, 09:16:49 AM »
We've been on the road a lot over the past week and we started getting notices that our data plan was about to run over.  It was somewhat expected as our daughter is on our plan and studying for a certification.. So we let it run through the extra MB for $15, but then it ran through another in 10 hours, then another and another and another.  Took the phone to AT$T today to find a Peel App had gone nuts on my wife's phone.  We've never knowingly used the damn thing before, but it's going to cost us about a hundred buck before we got it turned off. 
I'm certainly a troglodyte when it comes to tech, but is this something anyone else has had issues with?
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Offline Nick B

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Re: Burning through Phone data
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2021, 03:09:34 PM »
Thankfully, no. Hadn’t heard of the app. There was a brief time when I listened to
some talk radio on my iPhone without  turning on WiFi. Thank goodness I figured that out  :roll:
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Offline Folsom

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Re: Burning through Phone data
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2021, 05:06:46 AM »
Better use some data to search for how to reduce data :rofl:

Yes had it happen. My sister in law was on family plan and acted all fucking annoying and weird about using all the data when it was just one app and she pretended like it wasn't the issue. We got her to update/reinstall but for a minute it was straight retarded denial.

Offline S Clark

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Re: Burning through Phone data
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2022, 07:54:49 PM »
check out mint mobile for your provider. they piggyback on t-mobile's network.  whatever plan you choose, you'll likely save a lot of money.  i have a 10g plan; it costs me $20/month; my boss's 4g plan costs $15/month.  i pay in advance for a year; it's a little more if you pay as you go.

if you're interested, they have a referral plan, which will save me and anyone who signs up some additional cash.  so, if you're interested after you check them out, shoot me your email via pm, and i'll send you a referral.  this is not why i'm posting this, tho; i simply think it's a great deal.

doug s.
Thanks.  I'll check it out.
Speaker-GR Research LS9-XStatik-AltecFlamenco
Cable-AudioSensibility Wywires TWL
Rythmic sub