Author Topic: Glenn Gould Sony/Columbia "Original Jacket" Collection  (Read 5579 times)


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Glenn Gould Sony/Columbia "Original Jacket" Collection
« on: February 05, 2008, 05:21:23 PM »
   I just received the 71-CD Sony "Original Jacket" collection, and am most impressed.  I owned many of the original LP's, all the way back to the 1955 Goldberg Variations, and pretty much played them to shreds on my old Thorens 125/SME /Grace ruby.  The sound of the remasters is excellent, in some cases superb. I just listened to CD#35, the F minor "Appassionata" sonata of Beethoven's Opus 57, and was struck with the clarity and lack of tape flutter or hiss---very clean and dynamic redbook sound.  The packaging is unique---a shoebox sized flip-top with the 65 or so "albums" (some are double albums) in chronological order of release, and a nice book with track info and release notes.  The CD cardboard slipcases have the original jacket illustration, and the notes on the back are readable with a strong magnifier!  The collection is advertised as limited edition----no idea of the press run, but if Gould is one of your favories, log onto Amazon and get yours ASAP.  The only thing missing is a comprehensive index of composer and CD, but it's a minor quibble.  However----the Columbia engineer who deleted  the between-variation pauses in the 1981 Goldberg Variations should be taken out and shot (if still living) or exhumed and shot, if not. 
   It's wonderful to hear some of the recordings which had limited pressings, such as Hindemith's Marienleben with the soprano with whom Gould supposedly had a brief affair.  The Ann Arbor record store which I frequented in the 1970's and 1980's did not always have the latest Gould recordings, and the Internet was not yet a realization, so this collection really fills a void in my musical life.  Most highly recommended!!

Offline richidoo

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Re: Glenn Gould Sony/Columbia "Original Jacket" Collection
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2008, 05:43:23 PM »
First off, welcome to Audio Nervosa!! Glenn Gould fans are MOST WELCOME!!!!! haha Hope to see you posting with us a lot.

I have read about the Sony set for a couple months now. Nice to have it all in one set like that. Sony Germany released a complete Gould Bach set, original redbook masters, nothing new, but comprehensive and cheap.

I can't imagine the 81 Goldberg shredded like you say, that is a shame. The silence and spacing is music in itself. I can understand marking the tracks with track numbers, but they should not interfere with playback in anyway, no burps or audible sound at all. If there are burps, the mastering engineer should be hung upside down by his... well nevermind, this is a family forum... haha   

The 81 Goldberg was recorded in 14 bits on Sony F1, I believe. I think it was a promotional stunt to give life to the new digital CD format just as much as it was Gould wanting to do the Goldberg anew. It sounds damn good considering 2 bits shy of what later became standard redbook. CD has a lot of legs and is infrequently used to full advantage. This recording is frequently recommended by audiophiles as one of the best piano recordings, but I think the musical content is the most attractive part of it, and more than makes up for the minor technical deficiencies. It is a very special performance indeed. But no track markers! So you gotta sit down and listen to the whole thing. Something I haven't done in far too long...


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Re: Glenn Gould Sony/Columbia "Original Jacket" Collection
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2008, 08:29:11 AM »
Thanks Richidoo---glad to be aboard.  I have a DVD of Gould playing the Goldbergs, and thankfully the pauses are all there, with him "airconducting" with the left hand between some of the variations.  The film was taped at Columbia studio in April 1981, you can see how Gould's health was going south---he is balding, paunchy, and (since he insisted the recording studio be at 90F) sweaty, but the playing is, as always, sublime and deeply felt.  If I could take only one recording to the desert island, this would be it.
Sony Classical produced 2000, SVD 48424.
    I have only listened to a few of the discs, but the sound on my little music room rig (AH! Tjoeb CDP, Manley Shrimp, Response AUdio Bella 3205, Magnepan 1.5) is superb. Even the early mono recordings sound very clean, if a bit distant. 

Offline richidoo

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Re: Glenn Gould Sony/Columbia "Original Jacket" Collection
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2008, 08:43:21 AM »
Cool. I didn't know there was a DVD of that session. I gotta see that. I'm also looking forward to hearing the new 57 Goldbergs transcribed by computer and played back on MIDI. Have you heard about that? The company that did the transcriptions is based in my town, Raleigh. This year they are doing Art Tatum. That will be unbelievable to hear him "play" in hifi.

Sounds like a VERY nice system you have there!!


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Re: Glenn Gould Sony/Columbia "Original Jacket" Collection
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2008, 04:39:15 PM »
   I am happy with it!  The Maggies replaced Snell type C, and the Response Audio 3205 replaces an old but hi-current Amber 70.  Great clarity, if a little less wet around the mouth. (Hsu sub fills in below 60 Hz).
I am pondering the move to a Shanling SACD player, but hate to pull the trigger on something I;ve not heard in my setup.

Offline richidoo

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Re: Glenn Gould Sony/Columbia "Original Jacket" Collection
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2008, 07:46:08 PM »
Understandable. SACD seems to still be alive and kickin, at least for classical lovers.