Author Topic: Reintroduced to my TT and Vinyl!!  (Read 4859 times)

Offline jimbones

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Reintroduced to my TT and Vinyl!!
« on: May 11, 2012, 06:16:23 AM »
Well, I finally replaced the cheapo rca cable on my Linn. Thanks to TMazz for coming over have helping me install and trial 2 new cables (1 cardas 4 start quad and 1 silver cable). After a quick listen we both preferred the Cardas copper cable.

Anyway, I love the sound of vinyl again so my questions is, What are absolute must have best sounding vinyl albums that I should have? I listen to pretty much anything but with regards to classical I am picky as I don't like slowwww mmooovvviinngg dulll stuff :rofl: PLease help me identify the best sounding recordings!! Thanks all!!
Rogue RP7 Pre, Art Audio Vinyl Reference Phono,CJ Premier 12 Pwr, VPI Classic II/Dynavector 20X2L, Roon Rock, Auralic Vega DAC, Emotiva ERC-3, MIT, TWL, WireWorld, Wywires, Shunyata

Offline BobM

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Re: Reintroduced to my TT and Vinyl!!
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2012, 08:21:56 AM »
I would check out the "best sellers" at the usual audiophile approved vinyl vendors as a start.

Here's a few in a bunch of different genre's

- almost anything on the Pablo label soounds good
- most anything on the ECM label is also great
- Waltz for Debby
- most Dire Straits
- most Cat Stevens
- Getz and Gilberto
- most Steely Dan
- most Joni Mitchell
- Stevie Ray Vaughan - Couldn't Stand the Weather
- Hugh Masekela - Hope
- Ray Brown Trio - Soular Energy
- most Miles davis reissues
- ask Tom which Pink Floyd reissues are best
- any Mike Oldfield
- any Andreas Vollenweider

damn, there's just so much more ...
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Offline jimbones

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Re: Reintroduced to my TT and Vinyl!!
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2012, 08:43:11 AM »
I like the "ask Tom" :thumb:
In fact I have but they were cd reissues  :rofl:
Rogue RP7 Pre, Art Audio Vinyl Reference Phono,CJ Premier 12 Pwr, VPI Classic II/Dynavector 20X2L, Roon Rock, Auralic Vega DAC, Emotiva ERC-3, MIT, TWL, WireWorld, Wywires, Shunyata

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Re: Reintroduced to my TT and Vinyl!!
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2012, 03:59:07 PM »
Most Steely Dan and/or Donald Fagen releases.
"...if you want to enjoy your gear, don't listen to anything that might be better."

Offline Carlman

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Re: Reintroduced to my TT and Vinyl!!
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2012, 04:24:13 PM »
Jimbones... I found this post in album reviews, then saw your new post here.. so I just moved and deleted the duplicate.

I really enjoy listening to music.


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Re: Reintroduced to my TT and Vinyl!!
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2012, 03:47:26 PM »
I just bit the bullet and refurbished my Well Tempered Labs Turn table. New stylus (Sumiko Blue point special EVO III) and new belt and new fluids for the tone arm and main spindle. I stuck with Sumiko because I have Rogers Pro 9TLs and they need higher mid-range due to their very "bassy" nature!

Anyway, this cartridge does make everything sound brighter - even Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures. Other good albums where I think vinyl excels are

Flesh and Blood - Roxy Music
The Soft Parade - the Doors
Vienna - Ultravox
Court & Spark - Join Mitchell
October - U2
Hounds of Love - Kate Bush
Dreaming - Kate Bush
Pinky Blue - Alternative Image
All Greenslade
All Caravan
All Miles davis