Author Topic: The worst album ever?  (Read 17540 times)

Offline Brap

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Re: The worst album ever?
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2020, 08:10:36 AM »
Yoko = waterboarding music.
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Offline jimbones

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Re: The worst album ever?
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2020, 10:25:46 AM »
Yoko = waterboarding music.

 :rofl: :rofl:

And that's a compliment!! Lol!!
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Offline malloy

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Re: The worst album ever?
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2020, 11:33:44 PM »
Well, I didn't think I would find another candidate for worst album or artist in the same vein as Yoko Ono.

This singer is again from Japan. 

Seiko Oomori (大森靖子).

What started out as a career in cutesy bubblegum pop quickly devolved into something far more sinister, when she realized she would not fit into the mold of what the mainstream music industry demanded.

With album names such as "Tokyo Black Hole" and "Kusokawa Party" (which literally translates to Sh*t River party), her music has been likened to "Disneyland in Hell" (by the 'artist herself), called "Rule Breaking", and just plain "bizarre".  Most of lyrics are filled with her frustrations with the music industry and with life in general. I'll try to find a subtitled video or some translations.

She whispers, she mumbles, she half-yodels, shrieks, wails and screams. What kind of music is it? Punk, folk, postmodern? Is it even music? Well, you be the judge.

Just a few seconds of her YouTube video below is likely to test your sanity and your patience.

The video link is to her live performance of "Shinigami" (God of Death or Grim Reaper)

Here she is in a bloodsoaked nurse's outfit:


Offline Nick B

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Re: The worst album ever?
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2020, 12:02:55 AM »
Well, I didn't think I would find another candidate for worst album or artist in the same vein as Yoko Ono.

This singer is again from Japan. 

Seiko Oomori (大森靖子).

What started out as a career in cutesy bubblegum pop quickly devolved into something far more sinister, when she realized she would not fit into the mold of what the mainstream music industry demanded.

With album names such as "Tokyo Black Hole" and "Kusokawa Party" (which literally translates to Sh*t River party), her music has been likened to "Disneyland in Hell" (by the 'artist herself), called "Rule Breaking", and just plain "bizarre".  Most of lyrics are filled with her frustrations with the music industry and with life in general. I'll try to find a subtitled video or some translations.

She whispers, she mumbles, she half-yodels, shrieks, wails and screams. What kind of music is it? Punk, folk, postmodern? Is it even music? Well, you be the judge.

Just a few seconds of her YouTube video below is likely to test your sanity and your patience.

The video link is to her live performance of "Shinigami" (God of Death or Grim Reaper)

Here she is in a bloodsoaked nurse's outfit:


Thanks, Paul...another gem. I’m not sure how you’re able to find these things  :roll: I watched the whole thing, partly because I was stunned and also to see if there was actually an audience present....  If you find something worse, pls consider not posting it 😆
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Offline malloy

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Re: The worst album ever?
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2020, 11:42:32 AM »
Thanks, Paul...another gem. I’m not sure how you’re able to find these things  :roll: I watched the whole thing, partly because I was stunned and also to see if there was actually an audience present....  If you find something worse, pls consider not posting it 😆

Hi Nick, I actually accidentally stumbled upon her er..''music" on NHK global TV. Oh, I might have many more artists of the same *ahem caliber that I can post, but I'll refrain from doing so for now. :rofl:

Me watching this on tv infuriated my wife.
