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RMAF - Pictures and Thoughts??

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Hey Guys:

I know that some of you went to RMAF.  How about sharing your thoughts and maybe some picutures of the show. 



Thanks for starting a topic on RMAF.  I hope to hear others comments as well... I've uploaded my photos to the gallery, click here to see them.

RMAF 2007 Review

I will preface this by saying I took no formal notes and had no real agenda.  Too much happened in too short of a time to write it all down but I’ll do my best and try not to bore you either…

I arrived at the close of the first day of RMAF and headed straight to the bar… I needed something to alleviate the 12-hour journey.  I got to meet a lot of folks in person which was a real treat.  I wish I could’ve spent more time with some folks, though. After getting tossed out of the bar at some point, it was time to go to bed and gear up for the 1 day I had a chance to see it all. Haha… I don’t think there is a way to see it all, regardless of how long you stay. 

Unfortunately, new house and work duties prevented a long trip for me this year.  I’m just excited I got to go.  This is the 3rd year I’ve tried to make it… Rich had it right, he stayed 4 days.   

I got up early Saturday and tried to get my nametag.  I didn't know what time it was but the staff at the desk let me know it wasn't time for them to give me a nametag.. Later, at the appropriate time, someone handed it to me. ;)

Saturday morning I was just sort of bobbling around listening to whatnot and talking to vendors on the first floor of the atrium.  Most folks seemed intense, busy, and focused.  These were serious audiophiles.

It wasn’t very laid-back like I thought it'd be.  The air was serious and folks were really driven to see stuff.  I later learned why.  I tried to go to the McIntosh room because that’s what I own and wanted to get an earful of something I was fairly familiar with… but it was locked.  The rep was outside waiting for a key so I tried to make small talk but was essentially ignored.  I decided to come back later.  When I did I got more ‘tude and quickly left thinking about other brands of gear I’d like to hear.

So, the morning wasn’t going all that well.  I decided I needed some breakfast and the line at the restaurant had disappeared.  What is it about food that just makes things right?  So, I got a full belly and started over.  Also, Rich found me at breakfast and the rest of Saturday I had the most enjoyable time. 

I had a couple of my cd’s lathed by the cool guys at "Explosive Upgrades". They're cool guys with some good ideas.  They have a 'Noise Destroyer' that was popular as well.

The Teres room was very impressive and interesting.  I’m not into vinyl or horns so, I only listened a little while and left.  But wow, what an impressive amount of craftsmanship.

Aside from meeting people, my goal was to hear the new Eastern Electric M156 monoblocks that Bill O’Connell now offers and Aspen’s Lifeforce from Hugh Dean.  It took me all day to get to them both, having missed them somehow when I first started… If Rich hadn't met up with me earlier and helped me get my bearings, I wouldn't have enjoyed the show as much as I did.  Thanks again, Rich.

Note: I was completely unprepared for this show.  Working non-stop until the moment you leave for the airport has its drawbacks and this was one of them.  If it’s your first time at RMAF, make a list of what you want to see, sit down, look at the room numbers, and then go see them in an organized manner.  I kept ‘meaning to’ do that… oh well.  But, I realized why folks were so serious and organized Saturday morning... they had things to do!

This show was a learning experience for me.  What's cool is this show (like life) can be whatever you want to make it.  If it’s social, technical, potential purchases, etc… You can do it.  Another thing I learned is that hotel rooms have horrible acoustics and very few were able to manage them.  It reminded me of my old sound room which was 11x13 and it had a huge bass peak at the back of the room.  That’s where we always sat and the same problem existed in most rooms at the show. Realtraps were placed here and there and I’m sure helped but these rooms needed about 10 times what they had… I know this because it was like being in my old room. ;)

My main goal with this show was to meet people, make friends, and of course, catch up with old ones.  I wanted to see what this show was all about.  I’ve never been to a big audio show like this before.  I had a great time and accomplished most of what I’d hoped but still didn't get to spend much time with folks.  I was a bit overwhelmed by it all and hopefully next year I’ll be better prepared… and spend an extra day.  1 day isn’t enough to do much… but 2 nights of drinking were certainly a lot of fun.

I really appreciated meeting a long list of fellow audiophiles and friends.  I had an absolute blast both nights hanging with people I admire and enjoy.  I'm already looking forward to next time.

Thanks and hope to see everyone next year.


Thanks for the comments and the pictures from RMAF.  Attending the show next year will definitely be on my calendar as it sounds like a lot of fun.  Your comments mirror most I have read concerning the poor accoustics in most of the rooms. 

I notice one of your pictures were of the new ACI Sapphires.  Did you have an opportunity to listen and what were your impressions? 

Take Care,


I survived RMAF!

But now, after 30 seconds trying to type the above line without errors I realize I am in no shape to be typing anything.  :lol:

But I will say that it was great fun. Lots of stuff to tell - after a nap and a gallon  of water. I just walked in from the airport to a rousing greeting from my kids and a pile of new audio goodies in my office. Hint: I need to go buy a battery tonight :)

Ken, I heard the ACI/BSP room, it was one of my favorites. The speakers were amazing, in no small part due to Bryan's great room treatment (not too much like some rooms) and his Korato electronics from Serbia, and Bolder modded SB3. It was extremely musical, smooth, effortless, really a pleasure. Bryan and Mike were both very helpful, informative without being salesy pushy, and are obviously extremely talented hifi'ers. The speakers seemed to be some kind of magic trick with the amount of clean low bass they made from a 5.25" driver, with no congestion or tightness in the mids even with big bassy music. I understand there are larger models too, on my long list of to-do's to check out.

The best part for me by far was meeting so many new people that I only knew "virtually." Lonewolf, bpape, jrebman and his wife Linda, Capt Humble, Bill O'Connell, openly baffled, Joe Cohen, Hal Teramoto from Feastrex, lots more. What an incredible feeling to find you have good friends waiting to meet for the first time. Everyone was so friendly and open hearted toward meet new people with a common interest. It really gave me a whole new perspective on the hobby, and now it takes on a whole new meaning. Like any hobby, it really is about sharing with friends first and foremost.

pause for food and sleep....  ;)

Ken, I will probably add more comments as I can...  I just wanted to post my overall thoughts first... I thought the ACI's were excellent.  They had a good balance of detail and naturalness.  They were speakers I could live with, that's for sure.  

I also really liked the Merlin floorstanders (in the photos also).  If they had more bass or a matching/seamlessly blended sub, they'd be ideal.


P.S. Yay! Rich is home!  And already writing positive and eloquent comments, even while tired.  :shock:  Get some rest... looking forward to hearing your comments, Rich.


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