Systemic Development > Speakers

Speaker Designs

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  Ya have a favorite design ? Two way, Single Driver, Planar, Electrostatic ? and why. I prefer single driver and two way designs for their simplicity and cohesiveness. A linear presentation.


Nick B:
I haven’t been very creative over the years trying different designs, although nowadays, I sure wish I had done so. Basically have just used two ways and MTM, with the exception being the Shahinian Diapasons.

I’d love to try a Spatial or Rethm, for example, but the price to satisfy my curiosity would be too steep. There’s also the issue of weight with some of these designs. I just don’t want to deal with that at my age.

There is no one single solution. I prefer dynamic speakers, no need to be complex 3 way max. i like ribbon for detail but generally they dont have the dynamics of a conventional speaker. I think electrostatics dont have enough meat on the bones for me personally. no soul. Planars can have a sonic signature that I dislike.

James Edward:
Designs that use large drivers are preferable to me. I’ve done the smaller multiple bass driver designs and I just prefer the meatier presentation of a large driver. In the same vein, I’ve always liked 2 ways that use a large driver and I don’t mind the trade off of less detail of said driver at higher frequencies. Paper and paper composite drivers are my preference. The AMT tweeter in my Legacy Focus was my favorite sounding high frequency driver.
I have a friend in Florida that can’t get enough treble and has opposite tastes in reproduction. It’s not an age thing; I’ve known him since we were 12, and it’s always been his preference. To each his own...


--- Quote from: James Edward on April 23, 2021, 03:39:08 PM ---Designs that use large drivers are preferable to me. I’ve done the smaller multiple bass driver designs and I just prefer the meatier presentation of a large driver. In the same vein, I’ve always liked 2 ways that use a large driver and I don’t mind the trade off of less detail of said driver at higher frequencies. Paper and paper composite drivers are my preference. The AMT tweeter in my Legacy Focus was my favorite sounding high frequency driver.
I have a friend in Florida that can’t get enough treble and has opposite tastes in reproduction. It’s not an age thing; I’ve known him since we were 12, and it’s always been his preference. To each his own...

--- End quote ---
I get you.

You are talking about what I call "sense of scale". 

There are small speakers that can reproduce essentially full range frequency response.  They cannot however, move the volume of air necessary to move our perception to the suspension of disbelief that gives an illusion of reality.  This is why I prefer high sensitivity systems capable of moving a lot of air in the appropriate frequency ranges.  GR Research open baffle subs absolutely rule with extension down into the 'teens...  An experience, for sure!


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