... Although I’m intrigued to try silver, my copper Audio Envy cables do a great job, especially for the money. That was a recommendation that Charles made and some other members here use Audio Envy as well.
Maybe we can swap for a week or two? None of my group has an Audio Envy interconnect. I've now got 4 pairs of Wywires Silvers, so I wouldn't miss them (for a short period)
Sure. That would work just fine for me. I’m Audio Envy throughout and that includes 3 pair of the ICs. Pls shoot me a PM and we’ll work out the particulars. I’m in so. Utah
Already sent a private note to Scott, but a quick update to all others … I received one pair of the Wywires today and can really understand why Scott likes them. As I couldn’t find any spare ICs in the garage, I’ve been without music and all I want to do is listen tonight before heading out of town for a few days 🎶🎶
I own Wywires and yes they are very good, My buddy sells them at a deep discount.
I like the Wywires a lot…. and I only have one pair of the silver ICs in. No need for me to listen for hours and hours to arrive at this conclusion. I will post my impressions in detail another time. I doubt I could afford even a deeply discounted price, but I’m sending you a PM anyway.
Do you own the speaker cables or digital cable as well? Also, the Wywires are silver plating over copper?
Well, I’m still up listening and it’s quite a treat for me, really. So I may as well post my thoughts. I have only put that one Wywires Silver IC in…
1) the Wywires IC reveals more detail and does so in a beautiful, non-fatiguing way
2) the soundstage is consistently wider
3) the depth has improved as well, but not to the extent of the increase in width
4) the midrange is fuller/richer… instruments and vocals sound so very nice
5) there is improved layering within the soundstage.. by that I mean previously if there was an instrument in the forefront, musicians and vocals behind were present and distinguishable, but now the secondary and tertiary levels are more present and discernible
6) there is a nice improvement in the decay of notes
7) wish I could say this was a quieter cable, but I really don’t know that… I’ll leave that to other guys to measure and figure out
I have played my usual selection of music tonight… many vocals, instrumental, orchestral, some recordings very well done and others quite poorly done. For me, it’s the pleasure of listening to music I love, then the quality comes secondarily. The improvements recently with all the changes I’ve made have come more rapidly and exponentially. I’ve thought the complaints I’ve had over the years as to system harshness would worsen the more revealing my system got. Not so at all and that has really surprised me. So I’m actually very curious to add another Wywires Silver IC and also the digital to finish things. I think the Audio Envy power cables and AE SP 9 speaker cables are fine at this point. I have not gotten around to using software to measure room anomalies and use no room treatments. I haven’t researched the Wywires Silver ICs hardly at all and would be very curious what type of copper wire is used as well as the shielding geometry. Cap Payne of Audio Envy has told me all his wires are shielded and his website describes his extensive R & D. I noted that Alex Sventitsky of Wywires is located in Van Nuys in so. California, down where I used to live. If I still lived there, I’d check it out. If Alex’ Silver level is this good, I wonder how good the Diamond and Platinum are. Thanks, Scott, for suggesting the temporary exchange. I’ll be quite curious how the Audio Envy fares in your analog system.