Author Topic: Positive Feedback review of the TWL "Digital American II" power cord!  (Read 2736 times)

Offline Triode Pete

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I'd like to thank Malcolm J. Gomes from Positive Feedback for this great review on my Triode Wire Labs "Digital American II" power cord!

A few excerpts of the review... "the Digital American II has now become my new reference in the below $1000 price category.

The American II power cord has been able to make a positive difference in my system which already has power that is generated via in-house solar panels and then subjected to some truly excellent power conditioning measures. This being the case, imagine the difference it could make to your audio system if it has more modest power conditioning measures and especially if your system has no power conditioning measures at all!

At well under a thousand dollars for a six-foot power cord, you would be hard pressed to find a more affordable way to improve the sound quality that you get from your digitally encoded music collection."

Thanks again!

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Offline P.I.

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Re: Positive Feedback review of the TWL "Digital American II" power cord!
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2024, 06:14:47 PM »
I'd like to thank Malcolm J. Gomes from Positive Feedback for this great review on my Triode Wire Labs "Digital American II" power cord!

A few excerpts of the review... "the Digital American II has now become my new reference in the below $1000 price category.

The American II power cord has been able to make a positive difference in my system which already has power that is generated via in-house solar panels and then subjected to some truly excellent power conditioning measures. This being the case, imagine the difference it could make to your audio system if it has more modest power conditioning measures and especially if your system has no power conditioning measures at all!

At well under a thousand dollars for a six-foot power cord, you would be hard pressed to find a more affordable way to improve the sound quality that you get from your digitally encoded music collection."

Thanks again!

Indeed!  :thumb:
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Offline Nick B

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Re: Positive Feedback review of the TWL "Digital American II" power cord!
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2024, 07:43:14 AM »
I'd like to thank Malcolm J. Gomes from Positive Feedback for this great review on my Triode Wire Labs "Digital American II" power cord!

A few excerpts of the review... "the Digital American II has now become my new reference in the below $1000 price category.

The American II power cord has been able to make a positive difference in my system which already has power that is generated via in-house solar panels and then subjected to some truly excellent power conditioning measures. This being the case, imagine the difference it could make to your audio system if it has more modest power conditioning measures and especially if your system has no power conditioning measures at all!

At well under a thousand dollars for a six-foot power cord, you would be hard pressed to find a more affordable way to improve the sound quality that you get from your digitally encoded music collection."

Thanks again!


Congrats Pete and well deserved!! 👍
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