Some may be wondering why I started this string. For a few reasons.
The first is that as NOS tubes evaporate, there eventually will be none left. It is true that
just about every manufacturer designs around NOS but installs newly manufactured tubes.
So either one settles for second rate sound due to lack of funds for NOS tubes, or at some
future point NOS will become unavailable and all will have to settle for second rate musicality
Being futuristic in nature and understanding the developing problem, I decided over 30 years
ago to design specifically around newly manufactured tubes. Those who know me understand
I am a perfectionist and will not stand for second rate musical reproduction. Read the string for
the lengths I will go to obtain the best musical reproduction. first area I started with was the line preamplifier. I developed the 11A Line
Preamplifier which is so accurate to the source that one can only match its performance, not
usurp it.
What is amazing is that the 11A, with new tubes, was consistently judged better than
those preamplifiers using NOS tubes, whether indirectly heated or directly heated triodes.
I also did the same with my monoblock triode amplifiers (Ultra-Linear switchable).
Every stage of the preamplifier and monoblock amplifiers utilize a separate power transformer
for each DC plus and for each minus power supply voltage to eliminate musical interactions between
active stages. From the link above, one can see the fanatical attention to every fine detail.
Another example is the 11A uses 6 filter stages and eliminates up front/ac artifacts, isolates the power transformer and recdtifier, as well as an adjustment for differences in amplifier input impedance which affects the bass response.
The overall point in my strings is that it is possible to reproduce the very very best musical
quality by using new tubes and other newer parts vs NOS. It was a tough R&D process, but it
can and has been done.
Don’t let anyone claim it cannot be done.I have some reviews if anyone is interested. I will post a couple.
“SAS 10A Tube preamp. (Jon L)
"I must thank Steve once again for giving us the opportunity to audition this wonderful preamp.
My experience closely reflects what's been said in Bound For Sound and Eric, so I will be brief and just emphasize a couple of impressions.
THE strength of this preamp IMO is its sheer ability to communicate music in a way that makes you not even care about how it's doing it.
Let me explain. From pure audiophile point of view and in direct comparison to my EVS Ultimate Nude attenuators, I can nitpick and point out that the upper-midrange is a tad softened compared to dead neutral. The very low bass does not quite have the sheer granite slam of some humongous SS preamps. I'm talking about subtle degrees here, nothing that stands out.
What IS amazing is the fact the treble is just as extended, pure, grainless, and detailed as my EVS. This is an extremely difficult thing for any active preamp to achieve at any price, let alone a tubed preamp. What is even more amazing is that even though EVS does seem to pass more information, I actually enjoyed music more through 10A despite that knowledge. This is a feat that even a Bent silver TVC couldn't achieve against my EVS.
My sense is that there are very limited number of tube preamps out there that actually achieve what a "good tube preamp should do," which is to lend a sense of harmonic completeness, bloom, dimensionality, and plain musicality while NOT sacrificing objectionable amount of detail, extension, neutrality, bass definition/slam. You'd be surprised how many pricey, perhaps even famous, tube preamps do not meet the above definition. SAS 10A IS a "good tube preamp" in all its glory.
There's one thing I must complain about, however, which is the lack of IEC inlet to allow power cord swapping. (I include the jack now.) I am an admitted power cord junkie, and I can think of a few power cords that will minimize the upper midrange softness and add kick to low bass. For example, VH Audio cords will do exactly that for little investment. If I owned the 10A, I would definitely either DIY an IEC inlet, or hardwire a VH cord into the preamp. This combo will be scary good without question.
If I didn't have a system that was purpose-built around passive preamp (EVS), with whopping digital output voltage and 95dB sensitive speakers, I would own the 10A (with VH cord). It's just so musically engaging that this tube-rolling junkie didn't even try to roll any different tubes. FYI, That has not happened for any other tubed equipment that I've used ever..."
NOTE: All my preamplifiers now incorporate an AC IEC Jack, Standard. This allows for rolling power cords. My 10A also has an active stage of gain.
Second quick reviewer, (Earlmarc)
"First up, the SAS 11A preamplifer. Personally, I didn't think it was possible to better the 10A's performance. The 11A took it to another level. The degree of improvement is not in my opinion dramatic but is apparent. All the things I said in previous post about the 10A apply to the 11A, only the 11A increased the real factor to as close to live music as I have ever heard. Everything was more indentifiable and believable. The 11A is truly a reference preamplifier that I believe will stand toe to toe with the best of the best.
Second, the SAS Push/Pull KT88 mono amplifiers. Wow, what can I say. The best sounding amplifiers I've heard, especially when it comes to midrange magic. The palpability of images, the liviliness of voices, the air between notes, etc. I could go on and on about how shockingly real these amps sounded...."
I hope all continue to strive for excellence, as it can be obtained, so don't give up.
Caveat: I have been retired for some 8 years. I may start selling my “V” non shielded interconnects with 6n copper wire and gold plated, all copper RCA plugs again.
Please feel free to reply with questions.