Again: me being me... if the streamer is not fed absolutely pristine power it does not matter what the brains in the streamer are.
Dave it's not you being you, it's you being 100% right.
In reality an amplifier doesn't really amplify anything. What it physically does is modulates a low voltage signal onto a higher voltage DC source. If done correctly the DC voltage from the power supply will vary in exactly the same way as the input signal, except with w higher peak to peak value. Of course this only works if the higher voltage is pure DC. If there is any kind of noise that makes its way through the power supply and into the audio circuit, the higher voltage that gets modulated will be the DC plus the noise, making the noise a permanent part of the output signal. Power supply filtering can get out just so much and the best way to keep noise out of the DC is to reduce as much of it as possible from the input AC. The less that is present, the less problems that need to be address, resulting in cleaner DC to the audio circuits which in turn results in better SQ.
Basically, if you have noise on your B+ that noise will drive its way right to you speaker, if not in an audible way itself, it will at the very least cause the discontinuities between input and output that we commonly refer to as distortion.
Like the old computer saying goes, garbage in, garbage out.
I won't get banned for saying this....will I?