Everything can make a difference wether good or bad. It is fun trying as long as it not breaking the bank. Installing a dedicated sub panel off main panel made a huge difference. Wired with 8ga cryoed Romex. Siemens silver breakers. Dead quiet,more dynamic, more info. Have 4 dedicated lines using two. One for Digital one for analog. Each line is conditioned with a Gilbert Young XF 3000 power conditioner. The PIAudio has been removed as in comparison to XF PIAudio was forward and bright.
A dead quite background where the music is presented in an effortless fashion with a bigger soundstage and better separation between instruments. Well worth every penny spent.
True that everything *can* make a difference. I've been wanting to swing by your place for a while. It was put off due to your unfortunate flooding and then (simultaneous?) covid. That's behind us. Let's do it. I always bring gigabytes upon gigabytes of music, to gift. Yeah, when we last spoke on the phone the piano you had roaring in the background necessitated a pause in our conversation!

No sub panel, just a dedicated 20amp line from the main panel to the room, in process of replacing consumer grade outlets with some Leviton Hospital Grade duplex outlets...
Me too. No sub-panel. Just a dedicated 20 amp line (except in my case in the dead of summer I need that outlet for A/C, so minimal A/V at those rare moments). I am not in process of replacing my consumer-grade outlet. I wish I could do so from a practical perspective. In my case, it involves a second outlet, which means more holes in the wall, etc. I'm fortunate in that the outlet I have currently albeit 50 years plus old is very good, as in extremely tight. Otherwise, I'd have no choice but to replace it. If I replaced it, would probably go with Maestro, but there are many options in the high-end audio outlet space. Trust me, when/if I win the lottery (and I'm in a life-changing drawing 365/24/7 for more than 30 years) and build a dedicated audio room from scratch, the power supply will certainly be on the "to-do" list.