Electro Stimulation Ward > Power Cables

TWL Obsession or HP Digital American for PS Audio Directstream Dac?

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--- Quote from: P.I. on May 09, 2019, 09:55:25 AM ---
Todays power grids are sewers. The induction and imprintation of noise on the AC grid is continuing to degrade the waveform and unbalanced lines are going to be continuing to degrade in the future.  60Hz AC with a clean waverform went away at the beginning of the electronics age and went into the toilet with the advent of cellphone communication.

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Not to mention the garbage that is getting injected back into the grid by all of those rooftop solar systems with cheap crappy inverters.  :roll:


that's why i use isolation transformers and balanced power isolation transformers on my gear.

quite a few years ago, i noticed the improvement in the sound of my digital gear when i used a separate isolation transformer on my transport and another separate one on my dac.  i am not totally insensitive to power issues, nor am i totally deaf.

doug s.
[/quote]The problem that I have with iso TX is their output impedance and inherent current limiting.

I had a 2.5KVA Topaz Ultra that now belongs to another person on this forum.  Bass was lethargic, lacked slam and lacked the inner detail that makes 'IT' for me.  Highs were colored, lacked a steep rise time and cymbals lacked the harmonic series that gives them the air that makes percussion special.


--- Quote from: doug s. on May 08, 2019, 11:23:55 AM ---
--- Quote from: Triode Pete on May 08, 2019, 10:59:13 AM ---
--- Quote from: doug s. on May 08, 2019, 07:31:06 AM ---
--- Quote from: pursuitofnow on May 04, 2019, 07:23:57 AM ---What would the difference be between the Triode Wire Labs Obsession compared to the HP Digital American for a PS Audio Directstream Dac? Would it be noticeable?

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$700.  the main difference.  if you can hear a difference in a controlled evaluation, i will eat my power cord.  8)

doug s.

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"If you got ears, you gotta listen!"... Captain Beefheart, aka Don Van Vliet

I'm am not starting a flame war, but EVERYONE who has heard the "Obsession NCF" compared to variety of power cords could hear a distinct DIFFERENCE. As different as changing an amp or preamp or DAC!!! If you can't hear the difference between components, you would not hear the difference between power cords...


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not trying to start a flame war either.  but, my experiences have been different.  and i also believe a competent engineer should be able to design a p/c that's as good as it gets - with connectors included - for less than the price of a single furutech obscenity.  i believe these products are marketed to people who simply like their stuff ludicrously expensive, regardless of sound.

i can hear differences between components. i can hear differences between $10 p/c's and $100 p/c's (if the $100 p/c's are good.)  beyond that, i am happy to say that if there are any differences, they're either too small to be relevant, or no better or worse, just different.  if my ears aren't that refined, thank dog for that.  i'm just after excellent sound,  not into spending absurd sums of cash chasing the unobtainable holy grail. ;)

if anyone has $1400 - or even $700 - and wants to buy a p/c w/that, that's their business.  and more power to them, if it makes them happy.  but i will stand by my prior statement.  it may make them feel better, but it won't give them better sound - imo of course.


doug s.

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Hey Doug, has your experience included either of the cables mentioned from Triode Wire Labs?

   So finally the real reason, PRICE. At least you admit to being a cheapskate.  :lol: :rofl:


Triode Pete:

--- Quote from: doug s. on May 10, 2019, 12:33:24 PM ---
--- Quote from: rollo on May 10, 2019, 12:14:31 PM ---   So finally the real reason, PRICE. At least you admit to being a cheapskate.  :lol: :rofl:


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charlie, you weren't paying attention.  price is the real reason, yes - and i made that point from the outset.  and it's not just that i am cheap, (which i am), but i refuse to spend money when it doesn't gain me anything.  i am not much into bling...   8)

doug s.

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Really? Doesn't gain anything???? How do you know??? You NEVER even tried one of my power cords! How on earth can you make a statement like that?

This reminds of the Cable Naysayers in a NYC audio club. They will bash audiophile cables all day, without ever trying them, since they know better, since they know ALL the rules of physics & science... They are considered the "flat earth society" and their systems sound that way as well... To each, his own!

Rant over,


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