I am going to give away a simple mute circuit I designed for an SP-3 preamplifier output.
The circuit can be used in almost any tube preamplifier with DC filaments, with simple modifications.
Using the DC filament supply is important.
The circuit (relay) is designed to short the outputs to ground for approximately 45 seconds
before the contacts open.
The circuit can be made using perf board, terminal strips etc. Attached is the schematic.
The diodes D2 - D6 in series at the top are used to drop the 12 volts to a reasonable figure
for the zener and 5 volt relay coil.
A 6 volt filament dc supply would require no diodes D2-D6 in series.
R5 should be changed to 470 to 1k ohms for zener current.
D1 shorts the timing capacitor through the tube filaments, C1 to near zero volts upon
power off. D1-D6 are simple 1 amp, or 2 amp general purpose diodes.
IRF is static sensitive.
R1 can be whatever value that prevents oscillations. I had plenty of 2.4k ohms.
R5 was 2.4k as I had plenty of that value resistor. Used for zener diode voltage reference.
R2, R3, R4 are timing resistors.
Zener is 5.1 volt reference voltage for timing circuit.
Modified for clearer explanation.
Good fortune Scott.